Trip Report #2 4/16-4/18


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2001
Mom 40
Boys 8 & 10
HRH 4/16-4/18

We had a blast. So much so that we are going back in September! For information on our experience at HRH check out my other posting regarding their club rooms. We took three days to do the parks at Universal and I am glad that we did. The crowds were very large this time of year. The FOTL access was priceless and made the trip very special. As long as they offer this perk we will choose to stay on site. It really is amazing.

Day One IOA: We arrived about 10:00 a.m. and checked into HRH. A non-smoking room was not available that early so they held our luggage and gave us our room keys. We hit the park right away. We have been to many amusement parks, theme parks, etc. but I must say that this one blew us away! The themes and details are beautiful. We went immediately to the HULK. Waiting time was 60 minutes when we got there. We showed our room keys and entered the express line. NO WAIT at all! Breezed right in. My son felt funny passing everyone by on the line but he grew to love the easy access. This ride was fantastic. The launch is chilling and the ride is fast but smooth. It was a rush. We rode again right away. We went on to Spiderman, again waited about four minutes. This one was my favorite! Crossed back to Dr.Suess area and rode Cat in The Hat and One Fish Two Fish. Again FOTL access = no wait. Both of these rides were cute but a bit "slow" for my wild and crazy boys. On to Dueling Dragons, we rode Fire then doubled back for ICE. Ice was my favorite because it heads directly into a wall before turning at the very last moment. Thrilling. No wait here but FOTL access more challenging because you must make your way up a long path of people exiting the ride. The attendents to each ride were very friendly but definately were checking our hotel cards carefully. When you enter the express entrance you must merge into the line of people who have been waiting for over an hour. Twice we were given some flack from the people in line "What is this Sh--!" but when we explained we were from the "express line" they reluctently allowed us in.
Not a problem for me, but if my boys were alone it might have been enough to send them running!
We went to Poseidon's Fury, it was okay. The special effects were amazing but lots of pushing and shoving going on as we moved from room to room. I thought the story line was weak and the ending was sudden, but can't wait to see how they rework it! We made our way to Jurrassiac (sp?) park and again waited about four to five minutes. This ride is awesome!
LUNCH: We went to lunch at Confisco's Grill. The food was good but the service was terrible. We ordered two kids meals, spring rolls and the appetizer pizza. Total was 42 with tip. We NEVER saw our waitress and had to stand up and wave and practically jump up and down to get our check! The characters were slowly making it into the restaurant.. we were there from 12 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. and saw Spiderman, two I can't place (one fortune teller women and an adventurer man) WOody Woodpecker and the Grinch. They took a good amount of time with each table and the boys really enjoyed it.

In the afternoon we made our way back to the hotel and settled into the room. (see previous report). The boys spent a few hours at the pool and really enjoyed this. We went to dinner at the NBA restaurant. Very expensive but good quality food. The boys ordered milk shakes and kids meals, I had the pork chops with mashed potatos, my friend had the pasta special. That with two glasses of wine and sodas and one soup with tip came to $87. Citywalk was alive with activity and very exciting to walk around. Of course we were DRAGGING because of the busy day and having just driven up from Palm Beach, but it was a magical day we will not forget.
Your report was the first one I read that described some of the reactions from other people in the park without the FOTL experience...thanks for that info. I enjoyed how you gave your perspective and the perpective of your kids...good job.
I never knew why Princess Diana was smiling in those old videos of WDW til we got FOTL,once you do it you can never go back, trust me....
Thanks so much for the insight into FOTL access on each ride. I'm looking forward to it, but am not looking forward to "where's the express entrance on this one", or the dirty looks, or dirty comments.


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