trip postponed..........


DIS Veteran
Jul 25, 2002
Well folks, we've came to a decision about our trip next year - and think that we'll be postponing our trip till maybe July 05 - mainly due to financial restrictions since moving house earlier this year.:sad2:

Need to change my countdown!! :worried:
Cath...I know all about postponing trips least you are still going:)

Poor me has not even got a countdown:(
I had to cancel our trip this year following surgery so by the time we go next year it will have been a gap of 2 years and 1 month.

Are you just postponing for a couple of months or did you mean to say you were postponing until July 2006? If its just a couple of months, hopefully it will go quickly.

Awwww that's a shame but better a postponement than a cancellation and you do have a nice new house as well, always look on the bright side.

Oh I'm really sorry that you've had to postpone your holiday. At least it's only for a few months, and you still have all the fun of planning, sending you a group hug to cheer you up. :grouphug:

mandymouse :earsgirl:
What a bummer, Cath!

It's true though that at least it's a postponement. You'll still have something to look forward to :) :)

And just think, when it's the end of April, your original holiday would have finished, but you will still have July to look forward to :)

Hi Cath. We too willnnot be going to WDW in summer because of a new house. However, you have a lovely new house, so hopefully it's worth it.


ps 7 more days to our new house. YEAH!!!!!
:D Well we had another look at things tonight - and compared prices for July - and decided we'd be best to stay put going in April! Our flights are so much cheaper in April - almost half what they would be for July so think we'll just have to put off what needs doing to the house till we come back from holiday, rather than do it before we go!!
Yay Great News!

Work on houses can always wait whilst holidays can't!

Huuray for you :thewave: ,


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