Treasure Surfing


PINK is my signature color
Nov 9, 2000
I decided to try TS again, after not doing it for months. Does anyone else still do this program? I am trying to do the searches....have done 4 so far, but I am not getting credited. Anyone else have this problem???
I have been trying to do TS again. But it seams that every time that I go in to do it the system is down. So, I can't answer your question, but I just wanted to let you know that I still do it.
Sorry you never got your money. That stinks.
I am dropping this program.
Ticks me off, I have $ 20.50 and now I will have to leave it. Big delete off the favorites!!!
I have about $24 - and can't get anymore searches to credit! I am glad to know I am not the only one though...


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