Transportation question

wild about the world

Earning My Ears
Jul 17, 2000
We are arriving on thur and leaving on Sun. What type of transportation should I get from airport? I really dont need to rent a car. Does HRH have free transportation to IOA and US and Sea World? Does it run all the time? Has anyone ever used a taxi or limo service from airport?
Advice please?????
I would say that it depends on the number in your party. If there are only 2 of you, try Mears shuttle service. I believe they run very frequently from the airport to Universal, at about $ 10.00 per person one way. If there are more of you, it would probably be more cost effective to take a taxi or limo. I don't have phone numbers but I would suggest calling the hotel and asking the concierge what the transportation options from the airport to the hotel are, what is the cost and if they can make the arrangements for you. A good hotel should have no problem doing this. Yes, HRH does provide free transportation to IOA Universal and Sea World. It runs very frequently. You will actually be close enough to walk to IOA and Universal from HRH.

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