Transportation between HRH and Pleasure Island


Earning My Ears
Dec 7, 2000
I am going to be staying at HRH next week for a Univ Studios/IOA vacation. However, I would like to spend some of my evenings away from the kids at Pleasure Island -- all the descriptions I've seen of City Walk have lead me to believe that it isn't nearly as FUN as Pleasure Island. We are flying in and we are not renting a car during our stay, so my question is, what are my options for transportation to and from Pleasure Island (back to HRH), especially late at night (midnight and after) and the associated, approximate cost? Last year when I stayed on the Disney property, we were able to take advantage of the shuttle buses, but since I will be on Universal Property this time, I'm sure that won't be the case. Please help! I only have a week before I leave for my trip.

About the only way to Pleasure Island is going to be by taxi, which I believe someone said is like $15.00 either round trip or one way, I can't remember (sorry). If you have never been to CityWalk I would definitely give it a shot. The complex really comes alive at night and each time I go I have a blast. I went to Pleasure Island this past Christmas and was not all that impressed, I'm sure that it being a Thursday night, no crowds, and no live music were a major factor but I just enjoyed CityWalk more. Also a good key point is CityWalk is free whereas Pleasure Island is $20.00. I don't know about you but free is always good :D Either way have a great trip and be sure to report back to us about the HRH!

Here's a link for you to check out:CityWalk

Ditto - You can get a cab or Tiffany Town car but after the 20.00 per person admission , cab fare, and transportation time I'd stick with City Walk. I hear that many places are a blast and they have something for everyone. Then you can walk back to your hotel.
Thanks for the information. We do plan on giving City Walk a try the first couple of nights we are there and maybe it will be all the fun we need. I'm so excited I can hardly wait. I think that I'm more anxious to get there than my 13 year old is!!
I think tiffany still has the coupon on thuer website

Universal Studios Flordia, Hard Rock Hotel Watch out I'm comming August 2001


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