Traceys Atkins attempt!


<font color=royalblue>Laughs off her mini dramas<b
Feb 22, 2002
Hi all, i started my atkins diet 11 days ago, i started at 13 and a half stone (think thats 189 lbs) and am now down to just under 13 stone, which is a big thing for me as i've not managed to lose a single lb in4 years.
We are off on the Disney Magic cruise 27th November and i want to get as close to 10 stone as possible, i know i,ve left it a bit late but better late than never no?
This is a big step for me to even admit i'm on a diet as i have been in denial for years!! I think its good to tell someone so i can keep motivated and not want to look like a quiter.
Been to a christening today and resisted temptation at the buffet, feeling prety proud of myself. By no means have i been completely good, gave in and had some pasta yesterday, with tuna & tinned tomatos.
HELP Please and keep me motivated, i'm finding i'm getting bored of salad and vegatables, gonna go and try to find something to eat now - will try to be good.:confused:
Hi Tracey! We're going on the same cruise and I'm trying to lose weight before then too! We can do it and then we can walk around that ship like the hot momma's that we are! ;)

Just a thought but maybe it would help not to be so strict on what you eat. Unless it's really something you can't control. There isn't any reason to limit yourself to salad and vegetables or to never eat pasta. The key is portion control. Balanced meals that are equal portions of protein, carbs and fat are much healthier than eliminating things from your diet completely and it will make you much less crazy. I'm not saying don't do Atkins, it seems to work for a lot of people but I think even with Atkins you can have more than what it seems you're allowing yourself. There are a lot of people on here that have had great success with that program and maybe they can give you some more advice.

I wish you the best of luck in reaching your goals. I'll see ya on the Magic! :wave2:
Thanks for the support Michelle, hopefully i will stay good and will definately be struting along the deck, we will have to have a celebratory cocktail together!!! Or as i noticed on the cruise meets a birthday cocktail for you!
I was very good yesterday didnt have anything i wasnt supposed to.
It does state in the Atkins book that you have to be really strict for the first 2 weeks especially, and no pasta, potatoes etc. Has anyone else had perhaps a few more carbs than they should? Will it effect my wieght loss? I'm a newy at this and i want to get it right, also how often does everyone weigh themselves, i'm doing it everyday and feel down if a lb hasnt come off!!
I cant believe the difference this diet has made to my appetite i'm hardly ever hungry and when i do eat can only manage small portions - which is NOT me usually.
Didnt have any breakfast - wasnt hungry and i got up pretty late - dont you just love school holls!
Had 3 crispbreads with cheese for lunch, not suppose to really have crispbread - 5 carbs per slice. But kinda gathered i wasnt too bad as i'd missed breakfast, will make sure i'm good for dinner tonight, roast turkey and good old vegatables - again.
Hi Tracey. I just wanted to wish you good luck on your diet. I too started my diet again last week and have 3 stone 10lb to loose. I live in England too, probably just an hour away from you! I'm following the weight watchers program as I have done it before and know it works well for me.
Good luck.
Danauk - Thanks for the support, hope you do well with weight watchers, we have roughly the same amount to lose! Lets try and keep each other motivated! I noticed your a primary school teacher, i am doing my NVQ 3 early years care and education - training to be a teaching assistant, any vacancies??? Where abouts in Notts are you, i'm at Mansfield.

Onto the nitty gritty now, I had my turkey & veg on Monday but then gave in to temptation & had a chocolate chip muffin!! DD was on a sleep over so it was a kind of indulgence for me.
Tuesday - did really well had some walnuts for lunch (no breakfast) and bacon & mushroom omlette with salad for tea.
Wednesday (today)- breakfast, cheesey scrambled eggs & bacon
Lunch, chicked legs & some cheese, funny combination i know but its what i fancied!
Dinner, got some fresh haddock in but not sure what to have with it, fancy chips but gonna try and resist and have roast mushrooms & peppers.
Weighed myself yesterday gone down from just under 13 & half stone (189 lb) to just over 12 & half stone (178lb) was well pleased, then i weighed myself today & i'd gone up a couple of pounds!! could have kicked myself for getting on the scales again, so i've now decided i will only weigh myself on Tuesdays and Fridays, was proberbly the muffin though!!:rolleyes:
Oh, the evil scale!! :rolleyes: I love your idea of only weighing twice a week. You'll go crazy with the daily ups and downs! Don't worry, though. Those daily fluctuations are almost always water weight related.

Speaking of water, are you drinking, drinking, drinking???? You'll need to try for 80 - 90 oz a day to help your body lose the weight.

The whole point of the Atkins way of eating is to keep your insulin levels low. When you eat the crispbreads with cheese, the protein and fat in the cheese will slow the digestion of that crispbread, so your blood sugar will rise more slowly and your body won't release as much insulin. When you eat a chocolate chip muffin, there isn't much in it to slow the digestion, so your blood sugar spikes up quickly and your body responds by sending lots of insulin to bring it down. The insulin opens the doors to your fat cells and shoves all that sugar in so it is stored as fat.

Sorry to be so long-winded but I'm hoping you can understand WHY Atkins works. Sometimes it's easier to stay away from the bad foods if you know what they do to your body. If you are going to cheat, at least eat something with protein and fat in it first, to lessen the damage that the carbs do. :p

Best wishes for success with your weight-loss and for a wonderful cruise!! :sunny:
Hi Tracey,

I'm an Atkin's as well. It can be hard to get through induction. Doe's explanation was a great one. You will find alot of lowcarber's here. If you are looking for ideas about snacks/meals, you might want to check out They have an incredible recipe database. My suggestions are string cheese and sf jello puddings. Keep up the great work. Doe is right about the water too. The more you drink, the faster the pounds come off.
Wow, thanks guys for the advice youve been a great help and inspiration.
I had noticed i have been feeling a bit dehydrated & i didnt realise drinking more water would help so much with the weight loss, i have been drinking lots of decaf tea and nil carbs soda, will definately add more water now. The Atkins book i have is a slightly older version so i think things have changed slightly in the new version.
I think i understand what you mean - the crispbread with cheese is better than the muffin, right?
I checked out, some great recipes, i'm going to try the cheese bread & crustless quiches.

Thursday - cant remember exactly what i had but i know i was really good!
Friday - My daughters 10th birthday, we took her & some friends to pizza hut for lunch, you know whats coming, yes i couldnt resist having some pizza! had meat on it though & left the crust & had lots of salad with it, still felt ashamed though. Had a birthday tea party - cake, bread, etc, i resisted this time & had a couple of chicken legs & some cheese & some walnuts later.
Weighed myself today down to 12 & half stone!! (175lb), just hope the pizza doesnt put it back on.
Saturday (today) - i am determined to be good after yesterday, no breakfast, Lunch - omlette with cheese, mushroom & salami.
Dinner - having chivken salad & water.
Thanks again for all your support, it really helps, thanks XXX
Hi Tracey:wave2: It's Tracy:teeth:

I want to welcome you to WISH journaling!:Pinkbounc I'm not doing Atkins, but I am seriously thinking about starting South Beach Diet soon. I WISH you lots of success on Atkins! ::yes::

Have a wonderful weekend!:sunny:

Hi Tracey:wave2: It's Tracy:teeth:

I want to welcome you to WISH journaling!:Pinkbounc I'm not doing Atkins, but I am seriously thinking about starting South Beach Diet soon. I WISH you lots of success on Atkins! ::yes::

Have a wonderful weekend!:sunny:

Hi Tracey,
CONGRATULATIONS on losing more pounds!
You did great at the party. You made the best choices you could. That is all anyone can ask. I find that if I slip up, if I drink a ton of water, it flushes everything form my system. Very little harm done, and I also don't get that bloalted low energy feeling.

Keep up the Great work.
Well after the birthday party i have been really good, have been feeling a bit drained though & starting to feel more hungry, which is the first time i've felt this on the diet as i had hardly any appetite & had loads of energy - would this be due to me eating the pizza?? Been trying to drink more water but i know i'm not drinking enough.

Sunday - Breakfast, bacon & mushrooms with decaf tea
Lunch, chicken salad with cheese & water
Dinner, 3 chrispbreads with cheese & onion sandwich filler
Snacks, cheese & glass of red wine - if i'm gonna be honest large glass! followed by more water.

I was feeling really proud of myself this morning (Monday) for not giving in last night, i'd had a tough day at work as was worn out
& i really wanted to eat something 'bad'
So i got on the scales a day early & i've put a pound on!! feel really depressed now & wondering if its all worth it - today is gonna be tough, i'm off to have a big breakfast/lunch (didnt get up till 10.30 am) of scrambled egg, mushroom & bacon & try to be good for the rest of the day dont know what to have for dinner yet, wish me luck & thanks for the continuing support i really need it right now.:(
Well i come here red faced and sheepish, Monday started well with scrambled eggs, tomato, mushroom & bacon with decaf tea.
............ then i went to the pub with my beloved as it was a bank holiday here and drank way to much cider, which then made me very hungry so i ate a huge plate of fries, with bread, followed by a small (as if that matters!!) muffin.

I will not give up though will just pick myself up and try to be good again. Today (Tuesday) had tuna salad with water.
For dinner will have stuffed peppers and grill steak. Working tonight so that will stop me nibbling in front of the TV.
Tracey, for the most part you have been doing so well. Please don't let a few bad choices get you down, we all have those days. I know it's very frustrating when we don't do as well as we think we should but keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to do your best. I know you can do it! :)
:hug: Tracey,

This journey is like life, it won't be perfect. The important thing is that we keep going. Yesterday is over, and you have made good choices today. Great job getting back on program. Keep it up.
Weighed myself on Friday and the 1lb i put on has come off plus another pound - 174 lbs. I really needed something to come off this week as i think i may have been tempted to give up, this was the motivation i needed!
Have been really good all week, since my down fall on monday.
Went shopping & managed to find some low carb products (there really difficult to find in England). Got some low carb bread - 7 carbs a slice & some Atkins breakfast bars, havent tried them yet
& some low carb chocolate, tried some yesterday tasted fine.

Got a wedding reception tonight, hopefully i feel motivated enough to stay away from the buffet!

Sending thoughts & prayers for those in Florida.

Congratulations on your weight loss!:jumping1: Have a great time at the wedding tonight!

Tracy :wave:
Hi Tracey,

I hope you had a great time at the wedding last night. Congratulations on the loss. Keep up the great work.
Hi all, not doing so good, my grandma died last night, it was very sudden and unexpected and i'm devastated.

I feel totaly drained from being so upset, she is the first close member of my family i have lost and i'm having difficulty coping with my emotions.
Will try to be in touch soon with everyone XX


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