To stay or not to stay


DIS Veteran
May 24, 2005
We are heading to Florida for a week in March with the girls ages 7,5 and 10 months. We are currently planning on about 3 days in Disney. This is supposed to be a budget trip and my in-laws live about 1.5 hours from DW. Here's my question-do we stay at DW or do we go back to the inlaws every night? DH thinks it would make more sense to stay at DW. I plan on us being in MK particularly open to close (11 pm that week) and I know there is no way we will be up and ready for another park by 9 the next morning so I feel like we would be paying for a room and losing part of a park day. Going back and forth from the inlaws allows us to take a day off in between park days. The only plus I see to staying on property would be the free park parking (MIL and I would both have a vehicle so I guess that would save us $80?). The girls don't remember our last trip but I plan on doing a big trip in 2018, before ODD is a Disney adult and the baby counts as a person. Opinions?
I would get a room. 1.5 hours doesn't seem that far away until you are trying to drive it at midnight after a full park day. (we stay offsite 5 minutes away and sometimes that stinks after walking miles upon miles for the day) If you leave at close, you will need to allow time to ferry back to the TTC, tram to your car etc. It could very well be close to midnight before you are even pulling out of the parking lot.
I guess the question is how much would the cheapest rooms run you? What about staying offsite but nearby (the rooms will be much cheaper than on property)? If you stay onsite you save the parking fees (2 cars x 3 days ($20) = $120). Then there is the gas driving back and forth. What is and extra 6 hours in the car worth to you? My parents live only 1/2 hour from WDW and we are staying onsite. We are staying at their house the night we fly in and the night before we fly out to save 2 nights at resort prices.
I don't know your kids at all ....but are seriously thinking at those ages they can handle opening to closing with no breaks and no place to rest or go if needed for all those hours??? Plus a long drive both ways???. not to criticize but imo your plans spell disaster..OK that being said...get a room..take breaks in the middle of the day and save yourself and your family the stress and have a better vacation
There is no way that I would want to have 3 hours of car time on top of open/close at the parks. You should get a room on site, and possibly work in a middle of the day break.
We are heading to Florida for a week in March with the girls ages 7,5 and 10 months. We are currently planning on about 3 days in Disney. This is supposed to be a budget trip and my in-laws live about 1.5 hours from DW. Here's my question-do we stay at DW or do we go back to the inlaws every night? DH thinks it would make more sense to stay at DW. I plan on us being in MK particularly open to close (11 pm that week) and I know there is no way we will be up and ready for another park by 9 the next morning so I feel like we would be paying for a room and losing part of a park day. Going back and forth from the inlaws allows us to take a day off in between park days. The only plus I see to staying on property would be the free park parking (MIL and I would both have a vehicle so I guess that would save us $80?). The girls don't remember our last trip but I plan on doing a big trip in 2018, before ODD is a Disney adult and the baby counts as a person. Opinions?

Riding in the car for 1 1/2 hours after a long day in Disney is going to be exhausting, especially with little kids. If you stay on-property you can also go back to the room in the middle of the day for a nap, a rest, a swim or whatever. I'd definitely stay on site.
definitely think about the ages of the kids! I know I planned our 2014 trip to Disney while I was still pregnant, lol, my baby boy was going to be 8 months at the time of the trip. Anyways we ended up staying at the Contemporary (best decision we ever made) If the sun got to hot or the baby got to fussy my husband just hopped the monorail to take him back. And it was so easy with the stroller (didn't have to worry about taking the baby out while folding the stroller up to put it on a parking lot tram or a bus)...I know not everyone can afford it, but if you can I highly suggest it with kids...We only have 2 kids they are 2 and 9 and both have disabilities so its rough some times. Anyways I eventually want to stay at all Disney resorts (besides values, bc I don't really like values), but I won't do that until the little one can walk around the parks without a stroller, LOL. The way I see it is if you are going to stay at a Disney Value resort they start at I believe $130 depending on the season, the only things you are getting out of that are the free parking, the complimentary bus service (but I would not recommend that with 3 little ones, especially the stroller, lol) and the ability to make FPs 60 days in advance instead of 30 days in advance.

Now this would really be the only time I would recommend staying off site, lol. Some of the timeshare resorts you can get like 2 bedroom rentals for either the same amount of a Disney Value or maybe a little extra and you will have more room in your room and they are only a couple of miles away from Disney. We have stayed in 2 of the time share rentals before we started staying on property and the condos are super nice with a nice pool area as well for the kids if you do decide to take a break from the park. JMO...because I am really not a value type of person, I would stay off site before staying at a value resort at Disney.
You would be shocked at how cheaply you can get a decent room that includes breakfast in the area. Stay offsite, pay the $20 to park and take a break during the day. Staying from open to close without any sort of break will make you all miserable.
I vote stay at Disney. There's no way I would enjoy driving that distance every morning and night for 3 days after being at the parks all day. :)
Are you paying for grandma or is she going to be responsible for her own room?

OP is a family of 5 (OP, husband, grandma, 2 kids) she will either need 2 rooms or a room that accommodates 5.

If the OP has to pay for grandma, then the cheapest on site option for March will be a POR room with a trundle bed at $200 a night.

If grandma is paying her own way then the cheapest option will be ASMu at $117 a night.

So $234 - $400 for 2 nights plus food.
I would definitely get a room. I, personally, couldn't drive 1.5 hours at 11:30 pm after touring the parks all day long.


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