To far to walk from Holiday Inn?


Apr 24, 2000
We are staying at the Holiday Inn, supposedly across the street from Universal. How long would it take to walk from there. Should we drive instead??
It is definately within walking distance, except that I have never approached the park on foot and only know how to get to the parking garages which would add extra distance to your journey plus you do have to cross one very busy intersection.
Also consider the mileage you will be putting on your poor tootsies by the end of the day in the parks- there's a reason they have the people-movers to and from the parking garages- tired people that have been walking all day! If you don't have a car consider a shuttle bus or cab.
BTW I stayed at that hotel last week and it was very nice. They have a Friday's restaurant on the ground floor that has a decent buffet breakfast (just watch for dirty silverware :) ) and they provide the room service which was fast and accurate and reasonably priced.:jester:
We've stayed at the Radisson which is right by the Holiday Inn. I don't think you could get any closer to the Universal entrance without staying onsite. But it would indeed by a very, very long walk! I wouldn't advise it. So, if you don't have a car, the hotel shuttle would be your next best option. Have fun!
I regularly walk to the parks from farther away than Holiday Inn. It should take about 15 to 20 minutes at a reasonable pace and my guess is that, during busy periods at least, driving will not save you all that much time.

In fact, why don't you try it out? Have one member of your party walk while the others drive. Meet at the top of the stairs from Valet Parking (just before the last set of moving sidewalks on the way to CityWalk).

If you do, post the results here!

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