Tips for keeping feet cool


Feb 5, 2001
Help. I have the most comfortable pair of Air Nike's but my feet get so darn hot in these that they feel like they are on fire!! I have bought the special socks that are supposed to "breath, and wick away moisture", I have bought foot powder with some sort of "cooling action" etc. So far, no luck. I can't afford another pair of expensive sandals for the trip....any ideas out there? I would be eternally grateful!! By the way I never wear tennis shoes, these are the only ones, but none of my other shoes would work well for WDW, they are more for looks and keeping my feet cool than for long distance walking.

Thank you
CatOne :(
Please don't think I am crazy but I read somewhere to use deoderant on your feet. It will keep them from sweating and maybe from getting overheated. Good Luck.
Funny, I just went all the way back to the beginning of the Tip posts and read all the tips possible and this one kept coming up. Spray anti-perspirant is supposed to keep your feet dry. I am going to try it for $3 it couldn't hurt!

Also read changing socks mid-day.

Hope this helps gotta be cheaper than a new pair of shoes!

The spray anti-perspirant works wonderfully. We were there 11 days last summer, and I never got one blister. My feet stayed cool and comfortable.


In memory of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride!
Well, I'll be trying it out in about 10 days!! Thanks for the suggetions. I also went to a rafting store and picked up some socks that are supposed to be GREAT, we'll see. Hope to see some of you there!!

CatOne :cool:
Why didn't I think of that!

My feet are always a pain -- blisters, etc.

I've tried everything.

Didn't think about spray anti-persperant.
Skin is skin, isn't it :)!

Thanks for the great tip!


Jan & Tom

VISITS!! --------------
2001/09: Polynesian (yep, love that place)
2001/07: Polynesian
2001/05: All Star Music w/Niece & Nephew!
2000/10/14-22: Dixie
2000/09/14-23: Polynesian
1999/04/23-05/01: Disney Inst.
1999/09/11-18: Dixie & Hurrican Floyd!!
1997/09/13-20: All Star Sports
1996/04/20: DisneyLand Hotel

I used the Aarid extra dry cream on my feet two weekends ago and never got a blister until the day if forgot to apply it...if works great.



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