Tink2dw (or anyone) Silhouette cuts?


Feb 1, 2001
I saw a reference to the silhouette cutouts on another post. Can you tell me where to have these done? How about an approx. cost?
Thanks in advance!
I've seen them done on Main Street. I don't know the price but I believe reading in another post a while ago that they're pretty reasonable. Try doing a search for it, I'm sure you'll find it.
They also do them outside the Hall of Presidents and at Downtown Disney marketplace. A couple of years ago we paid about $15 to have all 3 kids on one together. It's cheaper of course, for a single silhouette.

They can also be made at DownTown Disney. There is a little stand near the Rain Forest Cafe.
They are a very inexpensive "memory". My Mom still has numerous from trips taken 20-30 years ago. You should see her face when we give her copies of her granddaughters.
I believe for 2 people and 2 copies...it's around $7-8. It's a few dollars more to add an additional person. Of course, you can purchase frames...etc

It's in the same Building as the GLass maker!!where they have that HUGE glass castle. WE got the Frame with the silouettes and it was $14.95 I think, It was $7.00 per person in the silouette.

But WEll Worth the price to have that moment cought in time!!! ;)

I had beautiful silhouette cuts made of my children back when I only had three! I've been on the lookout for one of these cutting artists ever since my 4th (AND LAST)child was born. Thanks for the info! :)


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