Time out for DH / DW on holiday?


<font color=660066>Has been known to go off topic!
Feb 16, 2001
Hi all,

(I'm not sure which board this is most appropriate on but here goes)

Now, I love my DW and DD's, but 9 hour flights, 3 weeks on site, 24 x 7 and sharing the same room could lead to stress city!

Any "Time out" ideas for a DH or DW that wouldn't mind a bit of "personal space" at some stage during the vacation?

As I have said, I love my family dearly but I guess that the experience could be a bit intense at times.

But, I'm showering myself with PD so perhaps it may not come to this - LOL.

Any thoughts / comments welcome.


send the kids to one of the clubs - Netherlands at the Polyn, Club's den at WL - these are baby sitting service expensive but worth it, the kids have fun. they go from 4:30 to midnight (or did when I was there). If you need a break from your dh does he play golf by any chance?? I think the golf courses are still open at 4:30 in the summer, I don't know about fall and winter. Some hotel (wl does) have spaces where you or whoever could go and read a book.
How about some spa time (maybe at the GF?) or shopping time for Mom while Dad takes the children to play mini golf or swim, and then some real golf for Dad while Mom takes the children somewhere else. Our children really enjoyed a bit of time (2 hours) on their own on the Pirate Cruise while the adults went swimming. As mentioned above, the on-site clubs are great. Our children loved the Neverland Club at the Polynesian and that would give you time for a special meal together or an evening at Pleasure Island.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board


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