Tiffany Town Car or Happy Limo?


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2001
Is one company better than another to use? We are arriving two days early and we need transportation from the airport to our WDW resort. It seems like a limo is the best way to go, but which one? Or does it matter?:jester::earsgirl:
hi, DW and I have used Tiffany numerous times and have always had good service from them. I have heard equally good things about happy I think you would do well with either company. Hope you have agreat trip.

:bounce: :bounce:
We always use Happy Limo and have always been very pleased with their service. On our last trip, for some strange reason I had arranged our pickup for 9:30 a.m. when I made the ressies on the internet (even with late breakfast at 8 a.m., that was way too late)! But Happy knows us by now (I did that once before too), and within minutes of our disembarkation, the towncar pulled up. They know their stuff!
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Both companies have provided good service to the majority of folks on this board who have used them.

Barb didn't mention... if you decide to use Happy, be sure to get the discount coupon from her site (
We used Tiff stretch limo for pickup at hotel to terminal....what a surprise for the kids..lots of fun and worth it to us.

Then we used limo for ride back to hotel as our flights didn't leave until late that night. So we also used Tiff van from hotel to airport that afternoon. They were very accommodating & nice clean vehicles.


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