Ticket Deal for Canadians Only.

Dad of 3

Jul 13, 2000
Through tour operator Holiday Network (Holiday House) you can purchase a 3 day 2 park (Universal Orlando and IOA) pass at Par!! You do not have to purchase any package tour. The price including tax (Ontario) in CANADIAN dollars is $109.00 for Adult and $89.00 for children. You can order your tickets through any Travel Agency. I ordered mine through Sears Travel and I received a voucher to be exchanged for tickets at Universal Orlando. I am told that the tickets do not have to be used on consecutive days but they have to be used by December 31, 2001.

I know that most Canadians know the current US $ exchange so I will not do the conversion to respect the feelings of our American friends.

I will be at the park later next week, and when I return I will post how things went.

Dad of 3
:D :D :D
WE used this deal...it was great. Only used 2 out of the three days but our in-laws want one day so they are using the other one left.
You can get this same deal from other tour operators, such as Signature or get them from Caa and the tickets DO NOT expire. Better deal, I think.
PS make sure you visit the Canadian Board, Dad theres always great info on deals there.



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