There's a 13 Year Old Buffalo Girl Who Needs Your Prayers


<font color=green>Has a thing for the Swiss Family
Apr 6, 2002
My DD's community service group is going over to the home of a 13 year old girl with a brain tumor. She has been given one month to live. She should make it though Christmas at least. They're going to decorate her bedroom for the holidays for her, so it will brighten her spirits.

I found this to be so very sad. If you can, please include her in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks. princess:
That is just heartbreaking. I can't imagine a 13 year old going through that. Poor family. Sending lots of prayers her way.
This is heartbreaking. Oddly, I live in a suburb of Buffalo and I don't recall hearing anything about this locally. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family.

disneyfanatic60 said:
This is heartbreaking. Oddly, I live in a suburb of Buffalo and I don't recall hearing anything about this locally. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family.

I don't remember hearing anything either. Was it in the paper or on the news or they trying to keep it low key? Prayers & pixie dust coming her way. :wizard:
Same here that we did not hear of this.

Can we send her Christmas cards? Would it be out of line to give out her address?
Terribly sad. My thoughts and prayers are with the girl and her entire family.
That's a good point. We are head to WDW Sunday. Being from the area, I would love to be able to send her a postcard during our trip.



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