The Zombie Guide to Disney: 9 Days, 8 Nights, 6 Parks, 2 People... 1st Trip! Updated 5/11/17

Day 6, Part 2: Reconciliation with Mickey

After leaving Universal Studios and heading back to Port Orleans French Quarter, we decided to grab lunch and take a nap. Why? Because naps keep me sane...ish. Or something.


Okay... maybe sane is an overexaggeration!

Anyway, after a short nap we headed back to Magic Kingdom. I decided that I needed to make up with Mickey after cheating on him for a couple of days. First thing, after we got inside, was to head to Adventureland for Dole Whip.


I really liked it, but my husband thought it wasn't pineapple-y enough. Next time I'll see how he likes a dole whip float!

After that we wandered around and then walked through the castle to look at the murals... so pretty! We stopped to say hi to Ichabod (crane) too while we were there... you can JUST see him peeking out at the bottom of the first picture below:



We people-watched for a while and then I decided to brave the mind-numbing evilness of it's a small world. Hubby refused to listen to the song (which is still stuck in my head as I write up this trip report even though it's been 2 1/2 months) so he stayed outside.

Lucky him.

NOTE: This sign is a lie. Not a happy cruise. It is a nightmare-clown-infested cruise.


OMG it's so scary. Not only is the song creepy and the anamatronics are watching, but it goes on for like 50 years.

Don't they look so happy to see you as they lift their skirts and their black eyes look through your soul...


There's a scene where it looks like an elephant is kidnapping children...





(By the way, I have a theory that if you conceive while visiting Walt Disney World, your child becomes the property of Disney and ends up working at Small World.)

After I (finally) escaped, I grabbed a fast pass for Haunted Mansion because I needed something lighthearted and fun. Haunts are always great to cheer me up!

After that we made our way back to the train station to watch Wishes again. The first night at MK we had part of a tree blocking us, the second time at MK we had a flagpole. Either way, the view was great!

Yeah... glad to be up here and not down there!




We decided to head back after letting the initial mob leave, since my knee was still a bit sore from Universal. (Note: Universal likes to sneak stairs in places. Like randomly in the queue for the Mummy. Didn't know there would be stairs. No employees for me to ask about an alternate route.) The bus wasn't busy but there were a few people standing... I offered my seat to a little kid who decided instead to stand next to my husband and watch him play games on his phone. She was paying so much attention to his phone that her dad had to grab her and pull her onto his lap because she almost fell over when the bus turned!

Came back to the room to find a Towel Mickey wearing my Minnie Mouse ears. :D


Sorry that this post is a bit of a nightmare and massively delayed. I'm still traumatized by small world, and had to undergo lots of therapy before I could look at the pictures again.

Zombie Food Possibilities: Well, if you stick the zombies in small world, they might all throw themselves overboard and solve the problem before the three-year-long ride every ends. Otherwise, the mob of bodies (busy for an early-February evening) for Wishes would be a good snack.

Next: Day 7, Part 1: Back Again to the Giant Golf Ball!
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You are so lucky to get that Ravenclaw robe. We were there the same week as you and could not find one. My daughter had saved her money for over 6 months to buy one. She wouldn't let me order one because she wanted to be fitted at the store. The first thing we did was go to that store in Diagon Alley and all they had were xxxxs and then the bigger sizes. My daughter needed xxs. We checked every day that week and even went to the hotels and no luck. I felt so bad because we had been there in September and I told her she couldn't have one cause they were too expensive. It was super frustrating especially since they never offered to order one for us with free shipping to our house like most stores do if they're out of something. We ended up ordering one about a month after we got home... they were out of stock online that whole time too!

Anyway, I'm enjoying your report. Looking forward to more.

After hearing that you weren't able to find one, I'm glad I was lucky! They only had Large sizes when I was there for Ravenclaw, no other sizes. I wasn't going to buy it, not wanting to spend that much money on a robe, but my husband knew how much I wanted one, and I'm glad he convinced me.

Thank you for reading along... and Yay! I posted an update!
Your trip report is super fun! Love the Zombie Food Possibilities. :)

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I have a couple more days still to write up and then a synopsis of everything I initially forgot, so there will be more zombies to come!
OMG I love your write up on IASW.
It is a nightmare-clown-infested cruise.
Dh & I felt that way on our last trip it was the longest & loudest ride eva. Couldn't wait for it top end. Funny it was my favorite ride the first time at Disney, but I will probably never ride it again.
Day 7, Part 1: Back Again to the Giant Golf Ball!

I decided to make my nocturnal husband happy one day at Disney... by letting him sleep in. Well, I'm nocturnal myself, but... but... DISNEY!!

Our second day at Epcot, the park was scheduled for Evening Magic Hours. We weren't sure how long we were planning to stay, but at least this way we wouldn't feel rushed.

We woke up around 10:30 (which is still practically the stroke of dawn to my husband) and were out of our room and on our way to Epcot around noon or so. After we arrived, I headed toward bag check. I was behind a very nice man with a large stroller. A woman (his wife, I'm assuming) had been planning to go through the bag-free area but freaked out because her husband had the tickets. I reassured them all that they could go through the separate lines and meet up after security before going through the gates. But no, the woman decided to cut in front of me to stay with her husband. With her twelve-year-old son who kept whining that he didn't want to walk (apparently the stroller was for him) and would sit down every couple of feet to play video games. The man actually told the kid "There's nothing wrong with you... you're twelve, not a baby! Stand up!" but the woman kept telling the boy that it was okay... he wouldn't have to walk or stand if he didn't want to. *sigh*


After we finally made it in, I saw that Daisy Duck was signing autographs. Yay! Hubby went to sit down while I got in line. While waiting, I noticed something cool. We had left my autograph book at the hotel when we went to Universal, with a note asking our Mousekeeper Veronica to sign it, since she took such good care of us all week and I thought it would be cool to have have signature, too! She left me a really nice note in the book giving me a little bit of her background... I'm so glad that she took the time. It really made me happy. I had been leaving little notes all week, so it was nice to get a note in return!


After Daisy, we jumped on Living with the Land, because... why not? It was a nice little boat ride and was really neat to see the greenhouses.

Next, we headed to Canada to watch the O Canada! show. I really enjoyed it, but the constant movements on the CircleVision screen gave my husband motion sickness and he had to close his eyes for most of it. Sorry hubby... it's not my fault you married me!


We headed to the UK next and I met both Mary Poppins and Alice. Mary Poppins was great but her signature was not practically perfect in every way... she actually let the pen run slightly down the side of the book, marking the next couple of pages. Oops! Bad Mary Poppins!


There was an unpleasant incident with the line for Alice. Alice was supposed to start meeting people at 3:20. I got into the line area at about 3pm and there was a group of four people ahead of me. We were all chatting and waiting up by the picture since we weren't 100% sure where the line was supposed to start and there wasn't anyone directing us and there wasn't anyone else around. Shortly after that, more people arrived and lined up behind us. Great! We're a line! A cast member walked over to us a few minutes later and asked us to move the line back a little, so all of us politely shifted.

15 minutes later, Alice is about to show up, when some woman starts screaming from the side, "Don't let them cut me! I was here first!" She's not in line, just sitting off to the side and screaming her head off. It's her and two other people... and the other people with her looked SOOOOO embarassed.

SIDENOTE: I think this woman was attempting to channel the evil queen... however, she forgot to add even a smidgen of the class necessary.

Anyway, the cast member goes over and tries to calm her down and then comes over to use to ask if we would let the woman's group go first. Those of us at the front of the line just shrugged and said "Yes" because we knew there was no other way this woman would shut up. Of course, we all had to comment loudly to each other that NORMALLY when people see a line they get in it instead of thinking that they were somehow special and could skip ahead of everyone else in the queue. The woman just glared at us as she stomped after getting her photos while I was laughing to myself over how someone could let themselves get that upset over anything at a Disney park.


After that, hubby grabbed some Fish & Chips. After he ate, we found a photopass photographer on the bridge leading to France and politely asked for a photo without Tinkerbell, because Tinkerbell was starting to get her pixie dust everywhere in my photopass uploads and it was making a mess. We got Chip instead! Appropriate since hubby just ate chips... Well... ummmm... never mind.


Zombie Food Possibilities: Hate to say it, but the kid who didn't want to stand or walk. You're doomed, kid. Also, the woman in the Alice line would be good fodder, but she might give the zombies heartburn.

Next: Day 7, Part 2: Princesses, Candy, and IllumiNations
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Day 7, Part 2: Princesses, Candy, and IllumiNations!

After our photo experiences with chip, we headed to France and I was able to jump into line to meet Belle! Yay! I was kinda sad that I work my "Books are like people, except interesting" shirt the day before at Universal, but oh well!


Next, I grabbed lunch at Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie since I can't do fried foods, while my husband was sightseeing, and had Quiche Florentine and then framboise (raspberry mousse cake) for dessert. I could eat that framboise every day for every meal. You'd have to roll me around Epcot, but I'd do it! Hubby met up with me and told me there was "someone wearing red" signing and taking photos nearby. I walked a little through France to find Aurora signing autographs, so I jumped into her line.


Note to hubby: that's pink, not red.

Next, we headed to Morocco, where I got a photo with Jasmine. Hubby was waiting outside and apparently got flustered when Jasmine greeted him in passing by saying, "Hello Sultan!" (As my husband said: "I forgot to wave. Or move. Or do anything!")


I decided I needed alcohol so I picked up something alcoholic from a cart between Morocco and Japan. It started to rain, so we hid under the eaves of the building with Mitsukoshi and Tokyo Dining until I finished my drink, since I didn't want my alcohol diluted by rainwater. Priorities! While we were waiting, we saw some woman leave her stroller literally in front of one of the doors, saying that she didn't see why she couldn't leave it there, since "they have other doors to use" and she glared at a couple of people who tried to use the door. Needless to say, a cast member very quickly moved it out of the way... into the rain.


then we wandered inside to look around and buy Japanese candy. I also got a wish pearl... it was a pretty cream-colored pearl about 7mm in size. I didn't buy any settings there, however, because there is an etsy shop that sells pearl cages that I was already looking to get something from.

But yes. Lots of Japanese candy. Lots. We have a Japanese market near where we live, but the Japan Pavilion in Epcot had flavors that we hadn't tried before, so we walked out with a giant bag of goodies. Yay! Om nom nom nom nom.


After that we decided just to be lazy and headed up toward the fastpass area for IllumiNations, since the rain had stopped. I had grabbed a fastpass earlier in the day, and we got to the area just about the time a few others arrived to wait, so we sat (damp concrete = damp butt) and chatted with another couple for an hour before they opened up the viewing area. We headed toward the front middle and snagged what we thought would be the best spots. Hubby (who is about 8 inches taller than me) stood behind me as a bodyguard. The other couple we were chatting with joined us and they were also short so we all appreciated the protection. *giggle*

IllumiNations is my favorite. We were so close that char from the fireworks actually ended up in my hair. If we had been any closer, we might have caught on fire! Okay, probably not, but it was funny to say. No picture of IllimuiNations because I was too busy watching it.

After IllumiNations, we let the herd leave the fastpass area and then we slowly started walking around. We headed up to the Character Spot to check on the lines for Joy & Sadness and also Baymax, since I wanted to meet them but it hasn't worked out that other day since they were on break whenever I showed up plus the lines were long. They weren't bad this time, so I got into line for Joy & Sadness first. They were so excited to play with my clicky sharpies... they kept clicking them over and over, practically dancing around. I was giggling.


Next, I got into line for Baymax. Shortly before I reached the front of the line, I got to see something hilarious. A child had left a child-mark on Baymax when hugging him, just like children have a habit of doing. It was some sort of black smudge. The character attendant went to clean the smudge and Baymax started running in circles, with the character attendant chasing him. Everyone was cracking up.

When I got up to Baymax, he put his hand on my head and it vibrated. I started giggling again at that point. Meeting Baymax made me ridiculously happy.


SIDENOTE: On our first day at Epcot, we were sitting outside the Character Spot relaxing when hubby heard someone refer to Baymax as "Betamax" and that stuck in his head for the rest of his trip. And actually after... he still says it. So I found this picture online and cracked up:


After that, we slowly headed out of Epcot, having had a really great day! We did make one pitstop on the way out to get a bag of cotton candy, because cotton candy is life!

Zombie Food Possibilities: I vote for the woman who left her stroller purposely blocking an exit. Other than that, people were actually surprisingly well behaved. My ankles were relatively unscathed in the latter part of the day, and I didn't get run over by any scooters or school groups.

Next: Day 8, Part 1: The Unplanned Park - COMING SOON!


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