The trip that wasn't supposed to happen...Pretrip


DIS Veteran
May 11, 2004
cast members
me: 23 obsessive compulsive planner, sometimes a little too obsessive
dbf: 28 loves disney but no where near as crazy as me (but yet it is his idea to move to celebration)

OK so I guess I'm writing a pretrip report. Well here it is. Let me start by saying that this whole trip was not supposed to happen, we just went to Disney last August for 8 days, and in Feb for a long weekend. The August trip was my graduation present from the DBF, ain't he sweet. The Feb weekend was a little Valentines Day present from me to him- it was an I felt bad that I got sick from the virtual reality aladdin ride at DQ in Aug- so let me make it up to you and have a great time doing it trip! So why would we need to go back so soon? It would be crazy - we already went there twice in one year. Well, so I thought.

Until one night where there was absolutely nothing on tv. I was lying there in my bed just flipping channels like crazy, and then what do I see, Why I think that’s Disney World. I had discovered the travel channel (I would soon come to realize my addiction to this channel – and hatred for it when ever there was a non disney show on, especially that poker show- I hate that show!) They were having a holiday special. I missed some of the show, but I did see them making these crazy pointsetta things. For about 3 months I was telling everybody how many pointsettas disney uses every year. (Don’t ask me now b/c I can’t remember!) Well needless to say, I was a bit intrigued.

When it came to planning our next get away, the idea of Vegas came up. Then it evolved into, ok we’ll go to Vegas for a few days, and Disneyland for a few more. Then Disneyland was completely outweighing the whole Vegas thing. And then my sweet DBF said, “why don’t we just go to WDW. You got so excited when you saw that show, Let’s just go!” (I told you he was sweet!!)

And so began the planning!

I also was lucky enough to discover the DISboards for this trip. You see I had discovered wdwinfo but for some reason never clicked on the boards, until this trip. My addiction for these boards soon surfaced. They do rule my life. I check them numerous times during the day. If work won’t allow time for it, I feel like I’m missing out and go through a withdrawal. And when I get home, and this is why my DBF is really sweet, every other sentence is “Oh I was reading on the boards…”

So this trip we are going all out. We booked Wilderness Lodge concierge. It will be the first time either one of will be staying at a deluxe, and the first time ever staying concierge. I got the illuminations cruise, dinner at V&A, the sleigh ride, and of course MVMCP tickets. We will be visiting Celebration, hopefully our future home. Going to a few character meals. And most importantly, we are starting our own traditions. Which to me is amazing.

Next stop, JFK!
i'm sure you will love love love the WL Concierge...we spent our honeymoon in one of there honeymoon rooms and it was the most wonderful trip we have ever taken...I especially love the lodge when it is all decorated for Christmas...we are going to be celebrating our anniversary at Artist Point next Thursday night...we love the food there and the ambiance...I cannot wait to see what SSR is like though...and I think it will be neat to be sooooo close to Downtown Disney, but my heart will forever live at the WL...luckily is is my DH's fave resort too...we only have 2 more days before we leave!!!! I am soooo excited!
ooooohhh! WL is wonderful! Have a great trip. I can't wait to read about how your trip went when you get back!



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