The power of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings


<font color=green>Emerald Angel<br><font color=mag
May 12, 2001
LONDON (Reuters) - As if by magic, virtually all British parents have suddenly picked up the habit of reading to their children, a report published on Friday said.
A poll commissioned by UK electricity utility Powergen found that Harry Potter as well as older classics, had created a veritable bedtime reading revolution.
Ninety percent of British parents now read to their children, the survey found, up from only 40 percent in 2000. "With the current revival of children's classics like the Lord of the Rings at the cinema, parents are rediscovering books they read when they were younger or are feeling inspired to read them for the first time," a Powergen statement quoted psychologist Aric Sigman as saying.
"Just as both parents and children can enjoy escapism and fantasy, these stories also raise important issues that they can talk about together. This sharing of ideas and opinions is critical to the emotional and creative development of children."
This is wonderful to hear about. these are books that my son has read in the past year or so. thanx for posting this article.
I hope this trend has also picked up in the US, as well....:D
MY DH is on his 3rd summer of reading the Harry Potter series out loud to my boys 8,9.....Even after the third reading they love the series.....

He just started to do his daily reading today....It's too hot to be outside....
Once 11yo DD saw the movie on video a few times she became sucked into the HP Zone, :p . She is on her second reading of HP Book 4. I told her she needs to read some of the other books I got for her. Sheesh, I feel like that mom in the Sylvan commercial. I have to tell her to stop reading, because it is time for dinner, clean, get up for the day. She will wake up in the morning and read for hours.

We love Harry so much that we are creating a FANfilm script. It is just in the first stages but it is fun coming up with paraody names for the characters.
I'm glad to hear it, I read to my son when he was little, it was a special time for us :)


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