The Palm article in the Orlando Sentinal


Apr 23, 2000
Did you all notice the article about "The Palm" - the new restaurant at the HRH? The article was in the same issue of the Orlando Sentinel that MegsMom forwarded!

The Palm at HRH

If you don't see this article right away, you can always do a search. Just type in Hard Rock Hotel and MegsMom's article will come us as well as the article above. :)
Thank you again, Linda! Your just a wealth of information! BTW...going out tomorrow to get that Conde Nast issue :D
The Palm sounds like a nice place to eat! We have one here in NY (I think the original) I may go and eat there before going to Orlando and see how it is. :D

I've eaten in the Washington DC a few times many years ago (B.K. / before kids!!) If I remember well, it was pretty good, possibly a bit stiff and somewhat pricey. But DC is kind of stiff all on it's own. I bet the one in Orlando will be more relaxed, esp since it's at the HRH!


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