The Muppets take Disney World--Day 1, Epcot and MK


New Mama to Baby Jacob!
May 31, 2000
Cast of Characters--DH and me (both 25). DH's first trip, my 3rd.

We got up early on Monday, January 1, and headed to our home for the next 6 days, PO (now PO French Quarter). Checkin took a little while longer because the CM wasn't too sure of himself and it was the first day for the new Disney Club. They didn't even have the Disney Dollars ready that you're supposed to get at checkin, but after the CM looked into it, he promised to have them later in the day.

Of course, our room wasn't ready, so we just left the bags in the car and headed to the bus. We made it to Epcot a little after opening.

Okay, I know I mentioned in the last post that it was cold, but you really have to understand that one of the major themes of this trip was that it was always freezing. We're talking record-breaking cold temps in Florida. It actually froze at night a few times. So keep in mind that we were always trying to head for shelter and weren't too willing to walk around and "smell the roses" so to speak.

Our first destination was Test Track. My last trip was in 1992, so it was new to both of us. We stood in line for a few minutes, but it broke down, so we got FP's and headed to Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

We realized on the way over there that Epcot was empty. Hardly anyone was there. We walked into the preshow, and then proceeded to watch the movie in a half-filled theater. They didn't even yell at us and tell us to move all the way to the end of the row. This is the way Disney World should always be.

The movie was a great way to get DH in the Disney spirit. He hadn't seen a 3-D movie since Jaws, so this was an experience. We then rode the Imagination ride :o and then went back to Test Track. We were both really impressed with Test Track. We didn't think it would be that fast and were pleasently surprised.

We had lunch ressies in Canada at 11:30 and were really hungry before then, so we headed to WS as soon as it opened. We wondered around until the restaurant started seating and then had a wonderful lunch. We each had a bowl of the cheese soup and of course ate all the breadsticks. We split the special of the day, which was beaf tips in mustard sauce with mashed potatoes. It was awesome, and the perfect amount of food.

We then continued our trek around the WS. I had planed Epcot first because I thought it would be best to ease DH into the Disney magic slowly. Little did I know that he had gotten himself worked up to have fun. By the time we hit America, he was asking, "Where's the fun stuff?"

I had been planning the trip for months and had planned on seeing Illuminations that night, but I was surprisingly willing to change our plans. We left Epcot around 3:00 to go get into our room at PO. After a very short break, we headed back out to the MK. We got there and it was incredibly crowded! Main Street was packed, so we got on the train and headed to Adventureland.

We poked around MK for the evening, not riding much because of the crowds. We did ride the Jungle Cruise, and I fell on my way out. I didn't hurt myself then, but it would come back to haunt me later.

We got a good spot for the Electric Parade that evening and enjoyed watching it for a few minutes. After a few of the floats went by, however, DH got antsy, so we decided to use the oppportunity to ride a few rides when everyone else was watching the parade. We walked onto the Haunted Mansion (one of my favorites) and then rode IASW. I found out DH is not a Small World fan. :(

Just before the fireworks, we found the perfect spot on the bridge by Belle's storytime theater. We were the first ones there and were able to sit on the concrete bench, and we had a perfect view of Tinkerbell. DH was amazed by the fireworks, and when it was over, we joined the masses leaving the park after listening to the Kiss Goodnight for a few minutes. The PO bus is the furthest away from the gate, but we eventually made it back and settled into bed.

Coming later--Day 2, MK and e-night
track was my favorite.....we did it three times.......I hope you didn't hurt yourself to bad......thanks again


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