The Mummy to replace BTTF @ USH??

Spaceman Spiff

one by one, cleaning the universal boards of riff-
Apr 6, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Less likely is the rumor that the Mummy get its own attraction. Reportedly, the Mummy is one of several themes being considered for a revamp of the Back to the Future simulator ride. Other possible new themes include Spiderman, X-Men or The Matrix. With attendance at USH expected to take a hit when Disney's California Adventure opens, Vivendi Universal is loath to invest any money in its theme park business; the company's still trying to sell it. Converting the Back to the Future ride would provide a relatively inexpensive E-ticket attraction, since the main outlays would be redressing the ride vehicles and creating a new film. [/quote]

I read this at and was wondering if this has any truth to it? How can they even think of getting rid of BTTF. It's a must for me every time I visit USF even though this is rumored for USH. Can anyone comfirm or denounce the rumor?


The ride is about 10 years old, but it still is a big draw. I doubt they will replace an A ride.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
With Universal releasing The Mummy Returns this year and The Scorpion King next year, it would not surprise me at all that they are secretly developing a new Mummy attraction.

It seems logical since they are building The Mummy into a major franchise.
I agree that The Mummy should receive its own ride but not if Universal plans on getting rid of BTTF. My jaw dropped when I read that column at LOL my first thought was picket line, they can't do this to me. :D


I don't think BTTF is going anywhere. If there's something they should dump and replace it should be Kong, Earthquake, or Jaws!
According to the website.. the mummy is already part of the tram tour.. am i missing something or mouse-whatever jsut totally offbase?


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