The movie "In the Bedroom"... did you like it?


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
I thought this movie won awards, etc., but I was really bored and dissappointed. Did you see it? What did you think?
I haven't seen it yet, but I heard from a co-worker that it was really depressing. Decided I would put off renting it until later...
Rats!! I Have a DVD rental of this for this weekend. Guess I'll watch it last! :(
It's slow moving... but I liked it. I thought the cinematography was great. Very unusal scene cuts and camera angles at times. I agree though... not much action. It just makes you think. ;)

I thought the ending was great.

DH hated the whole thing. LOL :) He kept yawning and then went to bed. We also rented Dragonfly and it was GREAT!!! :)
I haven't seen it yet, but glad I saw this...last thing I need is a depressing movie!
I'm with you Denise ...... it was very sloooooow
We just rented it Monday night and I didn't like it either. I was bored about 1/3 of the way through and started getting up for a drink. My husband stuck with it and kept telling me I didn't give it enough time. As the movie ended, he smiled and told me I was right. I just didn't care about the characters enough. It was missing something for me for sure.
I also liked the movie but it is depressing. It dealt with every emotion a parent would go thru when they are faced with what they were faced with. I also loved the ending!!
Another vote for Dragonfly here! We watched it last week and really liked it!

No,I didn't like it :rolleyes: Why does a boring,depressing movie always win all the awards?Or a foul,nasty movie?My girlfriend and I went to see this and we rented Traning day.Both were AWFUL for very different reasons!She likes to see movies that got awards and I KNOW that if they got an award,I'll hate it.Yup, I hated both of them.


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