The movers came today!


<font color=navy>Proud Navy wife<br><font color=de
Mar 13, 2003
All my worldly possessions are on their way to Florida as we speak :D

Tomorrow it will officially be 7 months since I have seen my husband. December 11 we leave Chicago and make our drive to Jacksonville, FL. December 14, DD and I will reunite with DH.....finally. So excited!!!

On the other hand, I can't believe I'm leaving Chicago. It's been home for 23 years. :sad1:
How exciting.I know you cant wait.I think you will get used to Florida,I would :D
Moving is so much fun. Been doing it all my life. (Dad was military) You are lucky to go to a good location. There is alot to do in Florida and that broadens you to venture across the south east. See everything you can. Take advantage of this opportunity. Hubby and I tried for Florida as we wanted to be closer to WDW, but we got Italy instead. :teeth: That homecoming is gonna be a blast. Deployments are horrible, but we always manage to survive. Have a safe trip.
You'll like it. Heck, if you ever get a hankering for a Chicago Dog, come on over to Tampa. There's this great place right next to Busch Gardens!

I can not imagion ever leaving the Chicago area either, but Florida will be very nice. Have a safe trip and so glad to hear you will get to be with your DH again. :flower:
Thanks everyone!!! I will definitely post when I get there! It might not be for a little while.... We have to get a computer first, :p

I am so ready to get away from the cold! But hey no matter where I go, I am a Chicagoan at heart. Always. ;)

Sleepy- Oh I wish I could go to Italy! I told DH to re enlist ONLY if we can go to Europe (pref. Italy), and ONLY if he doesn't have to go overseas for 6 mos again... so chances are slim to none! :D Oh well. florida and virginia are wonderful places to live.
Just think, you are moving closer to the most Magical Place on Earth. Now it will only be a couple of hours drive and you will be at Disney World.

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