
Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
DH and I were at Sears In the back of the swimsuit department,I found these GREAT suits. They come in sizes up to 26W. The one I loved has shorts[not to short] and a seperate long top that tucks into the shorts or can be worn out over the shorts.[what I like is the top can be worn with jeans] They also had the the same sort of style in a one piece.The prices are $72.[I never thought DH would go for that price,but he did! He said it looked so good,I had to have it]the trim is lime green!! It was meant to be!!!
I will be 17wks pregnant and was DREADING the whole swimsuit thing!!
i know that swim suit shopping is the most tramatic experiece for us ladies. So,I thought this might help to know there are great suits out there!!!
I love it!!!! Pooh sized!!!! Why are we "Women" and those under size 18 "Ladies" or "Misses"? I want to be a lady!!!! But now I can be Pooh sized!!!
I love it!! Thanks for the giggle first thing this morning...

I am too pooh sized!! I am working on loosing a few pounds before our trip in March and wondered about the swimsuit issue...

Thanks Tink. I was dreading looking for bathingsuits. I will certainly check out Sears for Pooh"s swimwear.

I like that!
I am Pooh Sized! ;) :)

<font size=3><font color=red> Happy Valentine's Day!</font></font>
<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
Thanks for the info...I too am "Pooh" sized. And for the first summer for a long time I'm not going to try to starve myself trying to shed a few pounds:) I will be at sears tonight looking for the whale wear:)

*My "Best Job" is being Caitlyn's Mommy*
Tank top over shorts bottom? They also have some
they call mock-tankinis; they look the same, but the top is floating over a control panel, so they are really attached. I've been considering getting one of those since I first saw them.

Now I have to start lifting weights so I won't have Pooh-chi arm syndrome!
Thanks for the information! I am going to need a new suit for our trip this year! :D

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I always get traumatized going for bathing suits. I'll go check sears out.



<font size="3"><font color="purple"><font face="book Antiqua"><marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin chearleading team!!</marquee></font><font></font>
When I was pregnant, I got a gift cert for a nice department store. (I only went 2 months between pregnancies, so new clothes were a great lift!) Anyway, "where is the maternity department?" "On the other side of the bathing suits!" Thanks, guys! Walking through those cute little suits was NOT the morale boost I was hoping for!
Being "Pooh Sized" is a bit more barable in those terms!! Thanks for the smile tonight!!
I did a search to find this thread.
I wanted to publically thank Tink for giving me a hint that has done so much for my ego. :)
We have no Sears on island, so we had to wait for our vacation. Our first stop was Las Vegas, and first day I was off to Sears. I immediately identified the suits you referred to. They actually looked good! :D Unfortunately the one I really liked was not in my size. So I decided to chance it and wait until we got to Florida. It was the biggest gamble I took in Vegas! ;)

Our next stop was at my parents winter home in Melbourne. First day there I asked my father to take me to Sears, and I found my suit in the size I wanted. I have never in my life spent so much on a bathing suit! :eek: But it is well worth it. I feel good in my suit and living in Hawaii, I will be sure to get my money's worth. If I could I would have bought more than one.

I have been back one month now and kept meaning to come here to thank you Tink. I am sorry it took me so long. You were so right. I am now a grandma that doesn't have to wear an old fashioned granny suit and I have a kind name to call my matured body shape. ;)

A lei of aloha to someone who is very grateful.
YOU are so welcome!! I just love my suit as well!! and I'm no longer a shamed to go play with DD in the Pool!!

I just loved what you said about Having a new name to call your maturing body!! Good for you!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thank you for the morning laugh. I just had to giggle. The is the BEST euphemism I have heard for "Womens".


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