The FREE 2 Way Radio's from NIssan, a review!!


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
I got these just before I left for WDW.
They aren't the kind that work well for WDW. They only have basic channels[up to 14].But they don't have the all important quelch feature or sub channels.
So everyone can ring you! and there are at least 12 or more people on all the channels. Most are Kids playing around, some are parents and grandparent trying to hook up after a ride or food run. BUT there are the OTHERS who are just rude nasty males.

We tried to use the radios but between the chatter and the lack of long range ability they weren't much use. And when they would have been only one radio would be on,the other person would be to busy to remember to turn it on!

So, if you want to use radios you will need a more high tech version.

What I saw in use most was cell phones. These seem to work much better. at least you know who you are calling!!
:( :( :(

This is very depressing news. I have been anxiously awaiting my radios as we speak. (type??!)

darn! I have also been anxiously waiting for mine. I did another test drive with mazda and received a personal cd player within 4 weeks. The kids are already fighting over it. ;)

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
the 2 way radio's are, Cobra micoTAlk 14 channel,frs 110-2mf. They are suppose to be 2 mile radios but we never got them to work that far.

Yep! JVC :)

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
I thought the radios had the subchannels. Our other radios don't, so we probably won't notice a difference. I was hoping for the better ones though and was going to purchase another subchannel for my daughter. Unfortunately, everyone has found the radios "somewhat" useful. I wish everyone would just use it for the purpose of finding people, but we can't control that :(

In memory of Dale Earnhardt, Sr....

Been there, done that, going back!

Check my site:

Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
All Star Music 98
All Star Movies 99
Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01

Please tell me it is of medium quality?? My DD's first one was a cheapy. I'm hoping that this one is of a better quality. :rolleyes:


the JVC protable CD Player XL-pg31 - not the top of the line by far but it works. light weight, adjustable headphones, it'll do. Does come with ac adapter, takes 2 AA batteries, doesn't make me look fat when i wear it....uh....I don't know what else you want to know. Hey it's free! Free is goood. If my kids trash it? oh well. ;)

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>


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