The Duggars

And since when do real estate investments in rural Arkansas amount to that much money?

Native of northwest Arkansas. The area that the Duggers live/invest in has experienced incredible growth in the last 20 years. Thanks to Wal-Mart and Tyson, among others, the Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers, Bentonville area has exploded. If my parents knew where to invest a few thousand 20 or so years ago, they would be multi-millionaires.

There is alot of money in NW Arkansas. I don't have any of it, lol, but it is definitely here.
I had a conversation with my liberal friends where we decided all our kids would be come conservative Christians to shock us.

Really, most of us just try and do the best we can with what we've got - and even if we do that much - there aren't any guarentees our kids aren't going to become drug addicts - you can raise 'em conservative and religious or raise them secular and liberal and eventually they need to find their own way.

I happen to think giving my kids the best I can with what I've got involves limiting the number of kids I have to two - that's all I can put through college. Other people have different views - and I can respect that - I may not agree with it or understand it, but I can respect it.

What an excellent post.
Those too were my thoughts! The kids are very sweet though. The mom's hair is irritating she needs to get rid of the lady mullet~!

I call that kind of hair a "Schmullet"
I'm originally from AR and have seen this family around. They are old money. His father was an original investor of one of the big banks in AR and they live alot off that inheritance in addition to whatever stuff Duggar Dad is investing and making.

The are considered a tax free establishment because religious services are held on their property. The new house they now live in took years to build because it was built mostly through the blood sweat and tears of the children and dedication of the members of their "church."

The older girls sew almost all the younger kids clothing and they all play an instrument very well. It is extremely sad when children are so excited to see new wshers and dryers because it means less work for them.

Honestly at this point do you really think these children receive individual attention from their mom and dad? They have the buddy system for the children so all the children are accounted for and watched over. It's not about being a parent as it's about getting their unit ready for the holy war I think.

Okay, the old money stuff explains a lot! And also, I may not be an expert on Arkansas real estate, so I apologize!
As far as the quiverful thing, I know several families that follow this philosophy. Basically they believe that God should decide how many children a family has, not us, and that if God gives them to us He will be sure we can provide for them. Not saying I agree, just this is how they believe.
I have to say, though, that I have seen interviews with the Duggars and Mr. Duggar has said that he leaves it up to his WIFE if they are going to have more or not. She is not being submissive to him, she is getting what SHE wants!
I have no problem being submissive to my husband because as the Bible says he loves me more than he loves himself. He has my best interest in mind all the time. We discuss everything, but if we ever do disagree (which has happened once in 20 years!) I let him decide. Then he is responsible for the consequences. He would lay down his life for me so I trust him with my life. Hard to explain to folks who are looking out for number 1!
Okay, the old money stuff explains a lot! And also, I may not be an expert on Arkansas real estate, so I apologize!
As far as the quiverful thing, I know several families that follow this philosophy. Basically they believe that God should decide how many children a family has, not us, and that if God gives them to us He will be sure we can provide for them. Not saying I agree, just this is how they believe.
I have to say, though, that I have seen interviews with the Duggars and Mr. Duggar has said that he leaves it up to his WIFE if they are going to have more or not. She is not being submissive to him, she is getting what SHE wants!
I have no problem being submissive to my husband because as the Bible says he loves me more than he loves himself. He has my best interest in mind all the time. We discuss everything, but if we ever do disagree (which has happened once in 20 years!) I let him decide. Then he is responsible for the consequences. He would lay down his life for me so I trust him with my life. Hard to explain to folks who are looking out for number 1!

I was following you until that line...:rolleyes1
This isn't just about the Duggars in general (I read the previous post that says they'll have as many kids as she wants), but it really confuses me when people say they'll have have as many children as god gives them. I am a Christian, and do believe children come from god, but can't you still help whether or not you get pregnant and how many you have? :confused3 Is it that people stop when they keep having miscarriages or once the woman gets menopause? I just don't understand this whole ideal.
Is it that people stop when they keep having miscarriages or once the woman gets menopause? I just don't understand this whole ideal.

Or your uterus falls out.:rolleyes1

To quote my sister(who is quoting a comic strip),"Hey, lady! That's a uterus, not a clown car."
Or your uterus falls out.:rolleyes1

To quote my sister(who is quoting a comic strip),"Hey, lady! That's a uterus, not a clown car."


Maybe that will be god's way of telling Michelle Duggar they've had enough kids! ;)

I'm sorry, but I had to say that!
Has anyone watched the Cason's? Kids by the Dozen I think is the name of the special. They were a neat family...but again....said they'd have 4-5 more if that is how it went. They lived in a small little house with 1 BATHROOM!!!! Amazing!
Has anyone watched the Cason's? Kids by the Dozen I think is the name of the special. They were a neat family...but again....said they'd have 4-5 more if that is how it went. They lived in a small little house with 1 BATHROOM!!!! Amazing!

I did see that special, they actually seemed pretty, well, normal. They had about 14 kids but the parents handled it fine, they seemed to know their children and didn't forget their names (unlike some people who shall not be named :lmao:).

I was shocked how they did it in such a small house though!
I mean no disrespect but it's "their" not "there".

I point this out because i had to read your post a few times before getting your message, and If I was making an error in my words i would like someone to point it out to me so I could learn from it.

I hope this doesn't offend you. I wasn't meant to:flower3:

I didn't read far enough into the thread to see if anyone has corrected you or not but since you expressed the desire for someone to do so I thought I'd point out that you may have meant "It wasn't meant to be mean." Not "I wasn't meant to be mean." or you may have meant that you "didn't" mean to be mean. Either way I suspect it was a typographical error as probably was the OP's. We all tend to type faster than our brains think, especially when we are all fired up w/ a debate. But if you're going to correct someone you should probably double check your own work before you post it.:flower3:
I didn't read far enough into the thread to see if anyone has corrected you or not but since you expressed the desire for someone to do so I thought I'd point out that you may have meant "It wasn't meant to be mean." Not "I wasn't meant to be mean." or you may have meant that you "didn't" mean to be mean. Either way I suspect it was a typographical error as probably was the OP's. We all tend to type faster than our brains think, especially when we are all fired up w/ a debate. But if you're going to correct someone you should probably double check your own work before you post it.:flower3:

:lmao: and yes you are correct when I was typing I was very tired and typed there instead of their, but I guess pointing out my mistake made her feel better about herself.
Just thought that I would weigh in on this lengthy topic. My mother is from a family of 12. 7 girls and 5 boys. My grandmother had a child every 2 years. They grew up very poor. In a 2 bedroom house with no bathroom. My grandfather was a minister, so money was very little. It was true that the older kids did help raise the younger. I am happy to report that all were high school grads and 9 college grads. They all loved each other and when our last grandparent, our grandmother past away in 2006, our family totaled 96 folks. Big families are not the norm and lot of people cannot understand why some folks choose to have them. I would just like to say that in our case, it was truly a blessing to have so many aunts, uncles, 1st cousins, 2nd and 3rd cousins to call family. So let them do their thing and however they choose to raise their kids.... is it "their choice". If we were all alike and shared the same like and dislikes this would be one boring world.
:lmao: and yes you are correct when I was typing I was very tired and typed there instead of their, but I guess pointing out my mistake made her feel better about herself.

Oh, don't feel bad. When I checked the dis this morning I had a pm accusing me of not actually being a lawyer (my profession) because I didn't use correct grammar a few times in a post. LOL! I guess it makes them feel superior to correct others. Must be low self esteem?:confused3
I didn't read far enough into the thread to see if anyone has corrected you or not but since you expressed the desire for someone to do so I thought I'd point out that you may have meant "It wasn't meant to be mean." Not "I wasn't meant to be mean." or you may have meant that you "didn't" mean to be mean. Either way I suspect it was a typographical error as probably was the OP's. We all tend to type faster than our brains think, especially when we are all fired up w/ a debate. But if you're going to correct someone you should probably double check your own work before you post it.:flower3:

I only pointed it out because the op, whom I was correcting, had done it in more then one post. I thought maybe she didn't know she was making the error, and her points were difficult to understand.

Again, I do not mind having my errors pointed out either, but that was a typo (sloppy fingers:eek: ).

I don't have low self-esteem, I am a medical dictatypist. I get paid look for those errors, after awhile they will stick out like a sore thumb.
When I checked the dis this morning I had a pm accusing me of not actually being a lawyer (my profession) because I didn't use correct grammar a few times in a post.

Goodness! As a fellow bar card holder, I can attest to some of the most horrible grammar and spelling by our peers. If I could red mark everything I got and 'fix' it I would work 24/7.

I have a friend who will be 40 shortly and just now figured out the difference between its and it's as well as your and you're.

But the part that makes me laugh is the reliance on spell check and how many times I've caught myself with errors even though the word was spelled correctly. Yikes! Those can be embarassing moments. I once had a student group do an entire presentation -- yes, for the entire class and invited guests from the community -- with the word public misspelled. If you leave out one letter, it is still a word; but, boy, oh boy, does it mean something completely different.
But the part that makes me laugh is the reliance on spell check and how many times I've caught myself with errors even though the word was spelled correctly. Yikes! Those can be embarassing moments. I once had a student group do an entire presentation -- yes, for the entire class and invited guests from the community -- with the word public misspelled. If you leave out one letter, it is still a word; but, boy, oh boy, does it mean something completely different.

That is toooooo funny AuroraBeauty! I just laughed out loud!


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