The Dress Shop on Cherry Tree Lane

Thank you all for your positive comments about the romper pictures! :love:

It is comfy. The back is smocked, so it's very flexible. The material is very light. It is also not lined so if you are planning on wearing it on a rainy day, that could be problematic.

I am a 38GG and don't like strapless bras as they are SO uncomfortable and I'm allergic to the material that they often put on them to keep them stuck to you. I bought a new bra just for this romper which is multiway -

I am wearing it in the picture as a halter. This bra will also go down lower in the back with some additional straps, but I didn't need to do that for the romper.

Thanks for adding the link! So very helpful! Even when I was 32B I couldn't stand strapless bras. Now I'm a whopping 34DD thanks in part to my thyroid issues.

Not sure if I made mention of that either, most annoying thing!
I have 3 lumps growing on my thyroid and had a biopsy which turned out negative, thank the Lord! This is what I looked like several hours later...

Doc said I needed to get tested every 6 months. I just want the darn things gone! For me, it feels like someone is choking me 24/7 and I ALWAYS get a headache. I put up with it all day long but at night or when I can't stand it anymore I take Aleve. I've gained so much weight and none of my clothes fit including my Disney dresses. :sad1:
Thanks for adding the link! So very helpful! Even when I was 32B I couldn't stand strapless bras. Now I'm a whopping 34DD thanks in part to my thyroid issues.

Not sure if I made mention of that either, most annoying thing!
I have 3 lumps growing on my thyroid and had a biopsy which turned out negative, thank the Lord! This is what I looked like several hours later...
View attachment 501311

Doc said I needed to get tested every 6 months. I just want the darn things gone! For me, it feels like someone is choking me 24/7 and I ALWAYS get a headache. I put up with it all day long but at night or when I can't stand it anymore I take Aleve. I've gained so much weight and none of my clothes fit including my Disney dresses. :sad1:
Awe @FoxC63 Big hugs. I swear it seems we are kindred spirits. I’m not sure if I said it here or not but I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease. I went from 125lbs up to 180 and nothing I could do would make it come off. I’m so glad it wasn’t cancer or anything. ♥️
I have several kind of doodles in camp at work, however, no bernedoodles. You’ll have to update us with pics once the baby gets home :)
I swear, puppies are the only kind of baby fever I get..... especially at my age.

Nordstrom had a really fantastic sale on pet accessories, 60-70% off! I bought items made by Wild One, never heard about this company before, the links below are from Wild One. com as these items are now sold out.

Wild One Twist Toss Red Toy - I bought 4 at $8.10 each,
Wild One Dog Bed & Cover - I bought 2 Mediums at $52.50 each.

Bloomingdales had a nice deal too.
Wild One Bolt Bite Toy - I bought 2 at $16.50 each
Thanks for adding the link! So very helpful! Even when I was 32B I couldn't stand strapless bras. Now I'm a whopping 34DD thanks in part to my thyroid issues.

Not sure if I made mention of that either, most annoying thing!
I have 3 lumps growing on my thyroid and had a biopsy which turned out negative, thank the Lord! This is what I looked like several hours later...
View attachment 501311

Doc said I needed to get tested every 6 months. I just want the darn things gone! For me, it feels like someone is choking me 24/7 and I ALWAYS get a headache. I put up with it all day long but at night or when I can't stand it anymore I take Aleve. I've gained so much weight and none of my clothes fit including my Disney dresses. :sad1:
Can the doctors not remove the lumps?
I’m glad it’s nothing serious right now, but if it’s causing that many issues...especially the choking sensation, I think I’d get either a second opinion or insist they be removed.
Awe @FoxC63 Big hugs. I swear it seems we are kindred spirits. I’m not sure if I said it here or not but I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease. I went from 125lbs up to 180 and nothing I could do would make it come off. I’m so glad it wasn’t cancer or anything. ♥

Big hugs to you too! You're the third person I know with Hashimoto’s disease, my friend thinks I may have that too and unfortunately I have a Doctor who isn't listening to me. He's got to go!
Big hugs to you too! You're the third person I know with Hashimoto’s disease, my friend thinks I may have that too and unfortunately I have a Doctor who isn't listening to me. He's got to go!
Definitely time for a new doctor. I went through 3-4 before I found one who would listen. They all kept saying ‘Don’t know what to tell you. See a nutritionist‘ when I would tell them I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t losing any weight or inches no matter what I did. It stinks that we have to go through heck to get a doctor to listen to us, but keep trying.
Can the doctors not remove the lumps?
I’m glad it’s nothing serious right now, but if it’s causing that many issues...especially the choking sensation, I think I’d get either a second opinion or insist they be removed.

I really don't like talking badly about someone, anyone for that matter behind their back but I feel so screwed by my primary care physician. He's nice and all but he's just not listening nor does he really care. I have an appointment scheduled next month to see my OBGYN. She's very aggressive in a positive way and I'm really hoping she can help me.
I've gone from 110 to 130 in a matter of months. He say's it's because I'm getting older, I kid you not! And there's nothing he can do about my thyroid. I maybe getting older but I'm also getting ticked off!

Things will work out I'm sure. I'm not worried, just disappointed. :hug:
I really don't like talking badly about someone, anyone for that matter behind their back but I feel so screwed by my primary care physician. He's nice and all but he's just not listening nor does he really care. I have an appointment scheduled next month to see my OBGYN. She's very aggressive in a positive way and I'm really hoping she can help me.
I've gone from 110 to 130 in a matter of months. He say's it's because I'm getting older, I kid you not! And there's nothing he can do about my thyroid. I maybe getting older but I'm also getting ticked off!

Things will work out I'm sure. I'm not worried, just disappointed. :hug:
Oh no!! That is not right!!! I see a specialist, an endocrinologist, for my thyroid. I know insurance isn’t like it used to be but if you can, I would definitely go to a specialist. Doctors aren’t what they used to be either. Good luck 🍀 with everything.
Nordstrom had a really fantastic sale on pet accessories, 60-70% off! I bought items made by Wild One, never heard about this company before, the links below are from Wild One. com as these items are now sold out.

Wild One Twist Toss Red Toy - I bought 4 at $8.10 each,
Wild One Dog Bed & Cover - I bought 2 Mediums at $52.50 each.

Bloomingdales had a nice deal too.
Wild One Bolt Bite Toy - I bought 2 at $16.50 each
Since we are empty nesters, our dogs have taken over our son’s old room (’s their room now) and we have so many toys around the house, you’d swear we have a toddler floating around here somewhere. My husband got them a Barkbox subscription and they LOVE it.
Our little diva pittie is into girlie stuff so she has a closet full of clothes and dresses, just like her momma.
Here is Harry Potter in his light up Christmas tie...
This is Tiny Baby (our diva) in her Elsa dress...053A6479-C47D-4E50-BB6A-7A4412EFA5BD.jpeg
....and Lacewing Severus in a rare snow event earlier this year...9190F4EE-F1DB-4C42-8080-D096896C9D7A.jpeg

And last pics, I promise...all 3 of them when they made the news earlier this year for our local news’ “Pawsitive” report.08409132-4674-4736-A634-DCEFAB14B5B7.jpeg068D29B8-6A9C-4C41-83A7-41EBFB511A68.jpeg
And yes, I’m one of those crazy dog parents that have a million pics of them on my phone, but I swear these are the last I post :)
Since we are empty nesters, our dogs have taken over our son’s old room (’s their room now) and we have so many toys around the house, you’d swear we have a toddler floating around here somewhere. My husband got them a Barkbox subscription and they LOVE it.
Our little diva pittie is into girlie stuff so she has a closet full of clothes and dresses, just like her momma.
Here is Harry Potter in his light up Christmas tie...

This is Tiny Baby (our diva) in her Elsa dress...
....and Lacewing Severus in a rare snow event earlier this year...

And last pics, I promise...all 3 of them when they made the news earlier this year for our local news’ “Pawsitive” report.
And yes, I’m one of those crazy dog parents that have a million pics of them on my phone, but I swear these are the last I post :)

You're my kinda gal! Love your babies!!! I'll look into Barkbox subscription - thanks for the tip!
I really don't like talking badly about someone, anyone for that matter behind their back but I feel so screwed by my primary care physician. He's nice and all but he's just not listening nor does he really care. I have an appointment scheduled next month to see my OBGYN. She's very aggressive in a positive way and I'm really hoping she can help me.
I've gone from 110 to 130 in a matter of months. He say's it's because I'm getting older, I kid you not! And there's nothing he can do about my thyroid. I maybe getting older but I'm also getting ticked off!

Things will work out I'm sure. I'm not worried, just disappointed. :hug:
I’m so sorry! I learned a long time ago that you are your own best advocate. I had what ended up being very bad adenomyosis (enlarged uterus) and had suffered with it for years and years with pain, anemia and just always feeling blah. It took a long time for me to finally just scream something isn’t right. One look at ultrasound (which should’ve never taken years to do) and I was scheduled immediately for a hysterectomy. No MRI needed or anything for insurance because the ultrasound was so bad. Only then did they finally take me seriously. My anemia was so bad I came very close to needing a transfusion. Things should have never progressed to that point.
I’ve not been anemic since and that’s been 9 years ago.
I’m so sorry! I learned a long time ago that you are your own best advocate. I had what ended up being very bad adenomyosis (enlarged uterus) and had suffered with it for years and years with pain, anemia and just always feeling blah. It took a long time for me to finally just scream something isn’t right. One look at ultrasound (which should’ve never taken years to do) and I was scheduled immediately for a hysterectomy. No MRI needed or anything for insurance because the ultrasound was so bad. Only then did they finally take me seriously. My anemia was so bad I came very close to needing a transfusion. Things should have never progressed to that point.
I’ve not been anemic since and that’s been 9 years ago.
I’m glad you are finally better @anniebean. It’s so crazy that things can take so long.
I’m so sorry! I learned a long time ago that you are your own best advocate. I had what ended up being very bad adenomyosis (enlarged uterus) and had suffered with it for years and years with pain, anemia and just always feeling blah. It took a long time for me to finally just scream something isn’t right. One look at ultrasound (which should’ve never taken years to do) and I was scheduled immediately for a hysterectomy. No MRI needed or anything for insurance because the ultrasound was so bad. Only then did they finally take me seriously. My anemia was so bad I came very close to needing a transfusion. Things should have never progressed to that point.
I’ve not been anemic since and that’s been 9 years ago.

WOW! We are our own best advocate. I'm so happy things worked out for you.
This is my last horror story and it's a doozie! popcorn:: I'll keep it short!
We moved from Florida to Michigan. Got new doctors referred from my hubby's family. We all had the same OBGYN, I'll call him what he is Dr. Liar. 15 years we tried to get pregnant even had a infertility specialist, lovely man I'll refer to him as Dr. DoRight ;)
One year after our son was born I went for my yearly exam. Dr. Liar told me I had Uterine Prolapse Disease, urged me to get an operation immediately. I went to pay my bill and had him write it down on the bill. He even stapled a pamphlet with his name & business address on it. I drove home and told my husband. I also told him the whole thing felt weird to me, you know when you get that feeling deep inside, women's intuition. So I made an appointment, for a regular exam with Dr. DoRight. He said, everything looks fine but if you plan on having another child, you really ought to get to it. I sat up, asked him Do you think I have Uterine Prolapse Disease? The look on his face, so surprised! Who told you that? Dr. Liar. I'm shocked, I've known him for years, we're colleagues and friends. My husband gave Dr. DoRight the bill. He just shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder and said If you were my daughter, I would tell you not to get the operation.

Needless to say, I never saw Dr. Liar again! I'm sure we've all seen the lawsuits for the mesh implant. Always get a second, even a third opinion.
Awe @FoxC63 Big hugs. I swear it seems we are kindred spirits. I’m not sure if I said it here or not but I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease. I went from 125lbs up to 180 and nothing I could do would make it come off. I’m so glad it wasn’t cancer or anything. ♥

Another Hashimotos girl here! And I'd second the recommendation to see an endocrinologist (I specifically looked for one that specialized in metabolic disease, as opposed to one that specializes in diabetes). It hasn't been perfect but my endo generally listens to me and doesn't just look at the test results. I had to drop a doctor because he basically only paid attention to test results and didn't listen to me when I was still symptomatic. It's such a tough disease to manage because the symptoms look like SO many other health issues, don't be afraid to trust your gut on a specialist and change if you can. I also switched my primary care doctor to a D.O instead of a MD (Doctor of Osteopathy) - it sounds new age-y but DO's get the same medical training as MDs but they focus on whole body treatment and I've always found them to be more willing to listen and take time with their patients. Something in their bedside training maybe, but to me it's a noticeable difference.
Another Hashimotos girl here! And I'd second the recommendation to see an endocrinologist (I specifically looked for one that specialized in metabolic disease, as opposed to one that specializes in diabetes). It hasn't been perfect but my endo generally listens to me and doesn't just look at the test results. I had to drop a doctor because he basically only paid attention to test results and didn't listen to me when I was still symptomatic. It's such a tough disease to manage because the symptoms look like SO many other health issues, don't be afraid to trust your gut on a specialist and change if you can. I also switched my primary care doctor to a D.O instead of a MD (Doctor of Osteopathy) - it sounds new age-y but DO's get the same medical training as MDs but they focus on whole body treatment and I've always found them to be more willing to listen and take time with their patients. Something in their bedside training maybe, but to me it's a noticeable difference.
I didn’t think about seeing one that specialized in metabolic diseases. I gave up on a primary because all they would do is send me to a specialist anyway. I’m lucky I don’t need referrals so I just go straight to a specialist. I miss the days when GPs did everything. My GP Back in the 90s noticed that I had hypothyroidism before I even realized anything was wrong. Times definitely aren’t what they used to be. Now I just hear ‘Oh, you need to go to a specialist for that. I can’t do anything.‘


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