The Death Penalty: Debate


<font color=red>Simba Cub<br><font color=green>Is
Jul 22, 2003
To those who are arrogant enough to claim that us humans have the right to decide when a human "doesn't deserve to live", I say this:

Put your money where your mouth is and give one of the condemned the lethal injection and watch their life ebb away at your own hands.

This subject upsets me so much simply because I can't stand to think that there are people who are willing to advocate death in any way, who think that anyone deserves death

We're better than this. An evil murderer may kill but we don't. We don't because we're the good guys.

Put your money where your mouth is and stop lusting after the condemned blood.

People who dislike debates should probably stay well clear of this one.

A person not deserving to live doesn't appear to be the original question. It seemed to be whether a person with no chance for survival who is suffering has the right to terminate their own life. Or a child's life in the case of the other thread. Talking about someone "deserving to live" is another matter entirely IMO.
WOW - you came out swinging!!!

I am for the death penalty -

Scott Peterson showed no mercy to his pregnant wife - why should he be given any?

I feel once someone makes the conscience choice to take a human life - they pose a threat to society and the death penalty is the state's version of self-defense

these people chose to show a lack of respect for human life and I feel they deserve the same respect they showed their victims -

and I would put my money where my mouth is - a lethal injection seems much more humane to me than slicing someone up, beating them to death, etc -

and just out of curiosity - are you pro-choice?
I bet Lacy's parents wouldn't have any problems emptying the syringe (although I personally don't think the evidence was great enough to warrant death).
Does anyone have that right?

If we were to assume the right based on morals, you could just as easily apply the argument to a Hannibal style situation - a killer that hunts on the rougher portions of society, justifying his actions by pointing out that the end result raises the average moral stance of society.

Once you compromise on your own morals once, it's a thousand times easier to do it again and pretty soon all you're doing is compromising because that's how you think things are done.

Decide that we can control who lives and who dies is a compromise on our own morals and religion (for example, "Thou shalt not kill"). And for what? To save money? For a socialist style revenge? Even though the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, I would abide by every moral aspiration in my soul and would gladly labour to comfort my mortal nemesis. That he would not do the same for me is what makes him the mortal enemy.

Personally, if I were the victims father/mother/daughter/son/wife/husband and if it were cold blooded, premeditated violent murder, I'd throw the switch.

You asked who has the right? Obviously you believe in life in prison without parole. Let me ask you this. Why does that person deserve to live?
I have no problem supporting the death penalty in certain situation. When a child is in anyway harmed the animal would get no mercy. I would gladly do what I could to see they pay. If it were my child killed by someone ,they would be lucky to die by lethal injection. When I finished with them they would be praying for the law to intervene.
I'm not sure where I stand on the death penalty.

On one hand, I absolutely believe that some criminals are absolutely evil and beyond redemption. There is no doubt in my mind we are all safer if those people are dead. So in a way, I do think its appropriate for society to protect itself by killing these people. I mean, if there were a man-eating tiger on the loose, would we be arguing about its fate? Nope, we'd shoot it, we wouldn't lock it away in a zoo where it had the possibility of escaping or harming the people paid to guard it.

On the other hand, if there is the remotest snowball's chance of an innocent person being executed, I would rather not take that risk, period. A person who is wrongly imprisoned can be released; a person who is wrongly executed cannot be resurrected.

And then there is the issue that in reality, the death penalty's application is flawed and not always fairly administered.

So I'm torn, basically. I doubt I could ever make this decision for anyone else, and hope I never have to.
snoopy said:
And then there is the issue that in reality, the death penalty's application is flawed and not always fairly administered.

And statistically, it doesn't work in swaying crime rates if that relates in any way to your statement :earboy2:
No, it doesn't seem to be a deterrent, but then again, neither does a life in prison without any possibility of parole. I think most criminals just are cocky enough to think they won't get caught.
I once went to a discussion at my church between Scott Turow and William Kunkle (who prosecuted John Wayne Gacy--a mass murderer of young men who buried them in his crawl space).

Scott Turow served on former Illinois governor George Ryan's task force on the death penalty. Illinois had several men on death row who were later proven to be innocent. He used to be pro death penalty but after studying the issue, he changed his mind.

Kunkle thought folks like Gacy deserved to die. Turow's point was that, if we had a perfect system, he agreed. But we have an imperfect system. Studies show it isn't a deterrent (people who commit crimes don't expect to get caught, much less punished) and it is far more expensive for the state to administer the death penalty than it is to jail these criminals for life.

I thought Turow's points were more convincing. Particularly after reading story after story of people freed from death row for crimes they did not commit. As an Illinois taxpayer, I am not comfortable with my tax dollars supporting this broken system.
My belief? Life is God's to give and God's to take. If a criminal breaks God's law, we needn't answer in kind.

Also, the system is flawed. Condemning death to someone in a flawed system is asking for trouble.

And lastly, I hope someone knows...
Does anyone know the last time a death row inmate escaped prison to commit the crime of their choice? I don't know myself. Just asking.
Do I think some people deserve to die? Absolutely. Scott Peterson comes quickly to mind. But I don't have the right to take life if a person is no longer a danger to anyone.
TnKrBeLlA012 said:
If it were my child killed by someone ,they would be lucky to die by lethal injection. When I finished with them they would be praying for the law to intervene.

Agreed. (Lucky indeed.)
treesinger said:
And lastly, I hope someone knows...
Does anyone know the last time a death row inmate escaped prison to commit the crime of their choice? I don't know myself. Just asking.

I don't know either.

But convicted killers have gotten out (after serving their term) and killed again.
I am pro life, therefore I do not believe in the death penalty.

I find it quite hypocritical, however, that many who are pro death penalty are anti abortion, and many who are anti death penalty are pro abortion.

(I think my neighbor, J&N's Mom, was trying to bring this up as well)
IMGONNABE40! said:
and many who are anti death penalty are pro abortion.

Why? Its been mentioned here that the system isn't perfect and supporting it would be supporting the possibility of killing an innocent person.
treesinger said:
Do I think some people deserve to die? Absolutely. Scott Peterson comes quickly to mind. But I don't have the right to take life if a person is no longer a danger to anyone.

It's not so much about being a danger to society in this case, it's more about punishment.


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