Thanksgiving Live and Solo - Final Thoughts


Let's Go Mets!
Sep 16, 2003
Thanksgiving - Live and Solo - Final Thoughts and Observances

Who - Me, age 35
When - Wednesday Nov. 24th thru Monday Nov. 29th
Where - Coronado Springs
How - Solo (many Disney vacations under my belt, many solo vacations under my belt, but this is my first solo Disney trip)
Why - My usual traveling partner, my cousin AnnMarie, has the responsibilities of a family and couldn't travel over the holidays.

First of all, I wanted to thank all of you who read my trip reports. I enjoyed doing the live reports and was happy to share them with you.

Here are a few random things I either forgot to mention previously, or thought about since I've been home. They are pretty random and in no particular order.

While I liked the Coronado Springs (this is the second time I’ve stayed there), when it comes to moderates I am still partial to POFQ. I like the compact-ness of the POFQ. I like the ambiance, and the over-all “feel” of the property.

That being said, I do think that The Pepper Market is the best "food court" around. I like the variety and think that the food is delicious. I've heard people complain about the 10% service charge, but I have no problem with that. For that you get a server who takes your drink orders, and cleans up your plates.

Housekeeping was great. I asked for extra towels the first day, and they provided them each day. (I do tip a few bucks each day – maybe that helps.)

For those of you who were wondering – my room did have a refrigerator installed in it already.

I noticed that I apologize a lot when I don’t have to. People bang into me, and I find myself saying “I’m sorry”. I guess it was just the way I was brought up.

Overheard at the Magic Kingdom earlier in the week – “Winnie the Pooh has a sixty minute wait” “Sixty minutes, that’s almost an hour”. That made me laugh.

Regarding the solo aspect of the trip - As I stated earlier, this is far from my first solo trip. I'm not uncomfortable eating by myself, or any of other things that come with traveling alone. For those of you who have contemplated a solo trip - Disney is definitely the way go. I never felt as though I "stuck out". And (other than the "you must face the wall" incident at La Cellier) I never felt "pity", "sympathy" or "shame" for being seen alone. I also never felt unsafe.

However, I did miss my cousin AnnMarie terribly - we have so many Disney memories that I was constantly reminded by something that would have prompted me to say "Hey Am, remember when ... ?" if we had been together.

I noticed that I was never approached by the park photographers to have my picture taken. I think they are missing out by not approaching people who appear to be traveling alone.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but the damage from the hurricanes was unbelievable. From the missing roof at the airport Day's Inn to the downed trees all along WDW property. It was most evident to me the day I took the bus to the WL. We stopped at FW first, and really saw the damage.

The chipwiches did me in. I gained 2 1/2 pounds while I was there. Thank goodness for all of the walking, otherwise it probably would have been closer to 5!!

I mentioned it earlier in the trip - but I don't know where my money went. I budgeted $100 per day and came home with $7.00. I also incurred $37.00 in charges to my room and just about $100 on my Disney credit card. This covered food, and souvenirs.

Again, thank you for listening. I'm off to plan my October 2005 trip!!

-- Laura
mackeysmom said:
However, I did miss my cousin AnnMarie terribly - we have so many Disney memories that I was constantly reminded by something that would have prompted me to say "Hey Am, remember when ... ?" if we had been together.

Aw, thanks. I missed being there. I totally appreciated the calls, they made me feel better about being home in the cold weather. I look forward to our trip next year and seeing the differences of traveling with a child.

Only 2 1/2 pounds, that is awesome. What did we gain last year, 5? LOL

Funny about the 60 minute - 1 hour thing, remember the guy who didn't know where the "big, big castle" was, that was too funny.

Anyway, I'm glad you had a great trip and can't wait for the many trips of our futures.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I bet a lot of us, including AnnMarie, were there with you in spirit! :)

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