Thanksgiving/Birthday Cruise


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2002
We will be at WDW the week of Thanksgiving and will be leaving two days before DS's 14th Birthday. We thought we'd surprise him with a Illuminations birthday cruise. I'd like to get feedback on this since it is $230.

Also, I'd like to plan it for Thanksgiving night (our last night there). We are probably not going to do a park, but hang out at WL, rent water mice, etc. Do you think I should also schedule a tentative PS for earlier in week and then cancel it if/when I am able to get one for Thanksgiving night? Hate to be a PS hog, but I don't want to take the chance that we won't get it. Is this a hard PS to come by?

Thanks for all the help!
I've done both the birthday Illuminations Cruise and the regular one. In my opinion, it's not worth the extra money for the birthday cruise. We did receive soda, potato chips, cake and balloons, which was nice but not necessary - it's the cruise itself that is the big deal. One year we did the cruise for my daughter's birthday and did not pay the extra. We still brought her presents to open on board and the driver gave her lots of extra attention. We went over to Beaches and Cream afterwards for ice cream instead of cake and it ended up being a really fantastic evening and one she'll remember for a long time.

The cruises can be hard to come by so you'll want to try for early in your stay. It may take you several tries to get it, so if you wait until the last night and don't get it you'll be kicking yourself for not trying earlier. If you do find you are able to get it later in your stay you can always cancel the earlier one.

Have fun!
Thanks! Beaches and Cream sounds like a great idea! My kids have never been big cake eaters, but we go through almost 2 GALLONS of ice cream a week. I have gotten so much wonderful, cost effective ideas from these boards. Even though it's our first trip to WDW, I already feel like I've been there before due to all the knowledge I have gained from all you seasoned veterans out there!


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