Tell us about FOTL-- and other HRH perks-- please!


DIS Veteran
Jan 5, 2000
We have just booked HRH for Dec. 28 & 29 for me, DH, DS age 17, and DD age 13. So we would like to know about FOTL, especially since I'm reading about "changes" to it. We would also be interested in other perks of staying @ HRH. We have booked the Adventure Package, which gives us one meal at any Universal restaurant-- recommendations, anyone?

Texas Aggie's wife (a DIS Veteran again, AT LAST!)
Hi Carolyn,

"We have just booked HRH for Dec. 28 & 29 for me, DH, DS age 17, and DD age 13. So we would like to know about FOTL, especially since I'm reading about "changes" to it. We would also be interested in other perks of staying @ HRH. We have booked the Adventure Package, which gives us one meal at any Universal restaurant-- recommendations, anyone?"

Since your trip is not until Dec. I would wait and see what FOTL becomes by then. As of now it will shotly be all day, everyday, most rides and attractions once per day. You can look up a few threads here on that subject. Other perks include priority seating at park restaurants, onsite restaurants City Walk (excluding Emeril's). Free transportation from hotels to parks and citywalk. Early entry to the parks on select days. I had a similar package this past december and the meal inclusion is to "selected restaurants" at City Walk and the parks. I can't remember the entire list but I would highly recommend having a meal (included in list) at either Margaritaville at City Walk or Hard Rock cafe. (also City walk) They were by far the best choices from the list.
Just wanted to add that that time of year is exceptionally pretty all decorated from the holidays. We enjoyed it alot! Have Fun. :D



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