teeny, tiny, little FEAR OF FLYING!


You can have Johnny Depp... I want Jack Sparrow!
Jan 10, 2006
I think I may have a bit of a fear of flying. My heart got to pumping and my mind went went a little daft when I went to buy earplugs at the giftshop at the airport the other day. I have been trying to ignore it... but, its still with me. First flight.
Any hints, tips, tricks, anxiety zappers etc ? I Dont drink, darn it, or I could just pass out I guess. I also have to "put on a happy face", two kids, ages 6 and 4 will be watching every move I make, every expression on my face.
I also have a bad fear of flying. I never used to but it's gotten worse as I've gotten older. I always try to put on a brave face when I get on a flight, but I can't help it, it's awful. I get the sweaty hands, fast heart beat, it's really awful. I can totally relate to you! I know, as I'm sure you do that planes are safe and they are made to fly blah blah blah, but that doesn't help someone who isn't VOLUNTARILY scared!

As for what to do to calm your nerves, well I'm trying to figure this out as well. I've tried reading, but I can't concentrate. I thought having my kids with me would make me more brave, but it probably made it worse. lol My Aunt suggested the other day that I get a perscription of valium from my doctor before we go so I think I'm going to try that. She uses it but her fear is more clausterphbia than flying.

The best advice I can give you from someone who truely understands is to just TRy to stay calm and realize that those little bumps are NORMAL. When ever I get nervous I look at the flight attendant to get their reaction because they know what is normal and what is not. That usually helps me... hopefully I helped you at least a little.
You do realize that you are much safer in a plane than driving your own car.

You are right..you have to put on the it's great face..because you can't mess this up for your kids.
Webray, everyone knows that you are safer in a car. It's not a voluntary fear.
MissKIA said:
Webray, everyone knows that you are safer in a car. It's not a voluntary fear.

Actually you are safer in an airplane. I have a fear of flying and logically I know it's safer, but still I think it's the thought of a 30,000 foot plunge to death, as unrealistic as it is, that scares me. I agree it is not a voluntary fear. Dh is an airline pilot, and so I have no choice but to fly(for free), but it's not easy. I just need to remember that we live by an airport, never had an aviation accident since we've been here, (I don't even know if there's been an accident here) yet every day we have car accidents come into the hospital while I work. For us fear of flyers, it's more comfortable to be in your own car under your own control, but other drivers, you can not control and car accidents happen every day all over the place. Airplane accidents are few and far between, although they do get alot more coverage. I know, it's all fine and good, until you get 30,000 feet up in the air. :crazy2:

BTW OP- what part of ID are you from?
oh, i can so relate....i finally booked my trip last month and 2 days later, i wasnt feeling well...my heart was racing, i felt nervous....well, i had to laugh when i realized it all happened after i clicked "OK" for airfare...i have only flown once and crazy me flew almost 7 hours to WDW....it really wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, but it still causes me stress....i think the only reason i held it completely together was for my kids....it was also their first flight and they were 9, 11 and 13, so truly at ages that any stress i had would be picked up by them. Once in florida, i kept mentioning that "wouldn't it be great if we could catch a bus home" hahaha, we live in bc,canada but i was quite serious...anyways, in may we head to DL so the flight is only 2hours 40 minutes and i am much happier with that....if u really focus on your kids, it helps, i just kept saying how cool is this, and they would look out the window, but i really didnt want to until we were landing and getting close to the ground, somehow i felt safer....i did get very bored on the long flight, all i could think about was how much longer...this time i am going to get a book(i loves james patterson books, i can hardly put them down) and i will bring my MP3 player...i am thinking of bring the dvd player for the kids, although i dont think they will need it. I had taken in one of my kids for something before we left and my doctor told me he could give me something to take but i wanted to be fully functional for my kids, but if u are really stressing, it might be something to think about....if your kids like card games, it is also something you could do with them to try to forget where you are (but how do forget that u are 30 000 ft up in the air)...hehehe
take care and have tons of fun
I like flying, I think mainly because of the long, torturous summer car trips we took as a kid (with two bullying older brothers, a whiny little sister, two smelly dogs and a cat all crammed together in a Dodge van.) Oh, and did I mention I used to get carsick? Or car-nauseous, I guess you would call it.

Anyway, I'll take flying any day. Flying means I'm on my way to a fabulous destination, I'm on vacation. DH is not too keen on flying, either, and took his first plane ride on our honeymoon. I think the more you fly, the easier it gets, because it doesn't bother him as much now. For him the worst part is takeoffs and landings; the rest of the time it just feels very smooth.

Oh! I should mention that travelling over mountain ranges you should expect a bit of bumping - It's totally normal and nothing to get worried over. That caught us by surprise the first time.

Your flight will be JUST FINE. I hope you can relax a bit after the initial jitters. They're perfectly normal, too. :)
I've had a fear of flying for a long time now -- long before 9/11. Mechanical failure is my fear. But I much prefer flying to long car trips. I hated those car trips as a kid and feel privledged to get to fly for my vacations. I find that the more often I fly the easier it is.

Still, I do feel tension the days before a flight. I have tried real hard to not let DD pick up on the vibe of fear. We take a small DVD player and watch movies during the flight. I tell myself over and over that it IS the safest form of transportation and try to let my scientific mind think about the stats and not let my emotional mind think about the fear. It's just a mind over matter thing. I honestly try not to think about it. With a trip to Disney there is plenty of other stuff to occupy the mind!
I just took my first flight in October for my 39th Birthday. :crazy2: We live in S.Florida and we flew to Vegas. Yeah, I cried at take off, held my breath ( but still looked out the window :scared: ) while flying over the Grand Canyon, and held on for dear life at landing. :eek: I took an Ativan and it did absolutely nothing for me, I was awake the entire flight.

After all these years, I realized that if I don't bite the bullet and fly, I would never see the places that I want to see.

Our girls will be taking their first flight on our upcoming trip. I guess I'll have to fake bravery at least on the outside. Now how do I stop the tears from flowing???? :scratchin
I don't know if you can get them in the US, but things called Bach Flower Remedies work for me. Admittedly I'm not completely afraid of flying, but I am a very nervous flyer and they just level out your emotions. You go to a health store and pick out the ones that suit what you're feeling 'ie irrational fears, fear of the unknown, lack of confidence or whatever) and then the practioner will mix them for you, or just add a drop of each on your tongue. Best thing is they don't affect your alertness. Oh, and I use the cabin crew tip too - no matter how bad the turbulence, if they're still up and about it's all okay.
All I can say. after logging about a million airline miles.. Just pray...
Doesn't matter to whom. just pray...
I hate flying as well. I try to book overnight flights whenever possible now. I take dramamine (I also get motion sickness) and stay up late the evening before. This way, the medician and being naturally tired will hopefully let me sleep. It is the only way I can be somewhat calm.
I am really freaked out about flying, too. I have only flown three times. The more I think about this flight, the more I freak out. Sorry, no help here.
If you're slightly nauseaus, take Kids' Gravol. I found the adult versions make you really sleepy... that might work in your favour if you want to sleep for a bit, but I found you never woke up refreshed, just groggy. The Kids gravol doesn't cause you to sleep.

I found my fear was heightened by turbulence and motion-sickness. The kids Gravol helped. Just remember to take it an hour before the flight leaves so that it's in your system.

I also let my kids sit by the window, and I never look out :crazy2:
I began to be deathly afraid of flying about 15 years ago, about the time I married. No idea why, I had flown for years no problem. For many years I would even have nightmares I was being forced to fly and that the plane was crashing. DH travelled for business and each time I took him to the airport I was convinced his plane would crash. So I did not fly for 9 years and swore I never would again. Stangely enough 9/11 made me want to fly. Maybe I just couldn't stand the thought of the terrorists winning the battle or maybe it was because my mother was diagnosed with cancer right around 9/11 and that got me to realizing life is not forever and you have to live fully. And I didn't want my kids to be afraid of flying. I do it regularly now but am still a bit white knuckled! I have found listening to music on my CD player, watching tv (we usually fly Frontier and they have Direct TV on their planes), watching a DVD with my daughter and taking xanax all help! I cannot concentrate enough to read but listening to music or watching tv keeps my mind off of things. I also bought sound blocking headphones. It helps drown out the noise of the plane so that I can concentrate fully on whatever I am watching/listening to. I know I will never be able to board a plane with ease but I am proud that I have managed to conquer my fear enough to fly and it gets me to WDW and Disneyland a lot faster and a lot more often! Good luck, you can do it!

And I agree this is a fear that is not voluntary and it cannot be controlled by the knowledge flying is safe. I don't know of many fears/phobias that are rational but we all have them and they are very real.
I think the only time I was nervous was when I was flying from Oklahoma with my friend (a pilot) on our last leg of a TX-MO-OK-TX trip (he wanted to look at a plane he was thinking about buying in MO) and I guess about 2500 feet or so, he goes "the plane is yours". I knew he was going to let me fly, but I didn't realize it was going to be that sudden :) We were shakey on our accent, but once we leveled out I did okay. Once I got past the nervousness I was okay. Not a bad way to end a 8 hour or so trip :)

I'll take a comfy airliner with a/c over a cramped beechcraft on a hot summer day (esp. after eating greasy bbq!)

This is bringing back memories from college days! Dated a pilot. His friend was a glider pilot. Friend took me up for a glider flight. No one told me that the tow up would be bumpy! And I get motion sickness. Oh, and the way the gliders stay up in the air longer is to hit a 'thermal', a warm pocket of air, then spin around and around and around in it to push the glider upward. Did I mention the motion sickness?

Bleahhhh. Yeah, in a little bag, over and over again. If I'd been the pilot I would have headed for Earth, but nooo, this was a sunny day with lots of good thermals! We spun and floated for about 45 minutes, longest flight the pilot had ever had, lord help me.

You'd think I would be concerned about landing, right? No brakes, no wheels or anything substantial to speak of. No padding other than the parachute pack on my back and helmet on my head.

Hmm... Maybe that's why I like to fly. I'm too stoopid to know better! :rotfl:
Talk with your family physician, they can prescribe medication where you will still remain lucid, but really won't care. There is no reason you should be terrified when you can get some help. Just think of the fun you will have with the family.

Have fun,
Jack pirate:
Try this website: http://www.fearofflyinghelp.com
it's really helpful and will not make you more afraid. I am afraid of flying also, and I used to be fine, it just got worse as I got older. But it is irrational, and I know this, and most of my fear takes place the day we leave, and all before I get on the plane. I have terrible anxiety beforehand, but as soon as the plane takes off i am usually ok. One thing i always keep in mind is that FedEx planes always fly thru bad turbulence all the time, the only reason regular planes don't, is for passenger comfort. Turbulence is normal and perfectly safe. My husband turns to me during turbulent flights when he knows I am scared and says "FedEx honey, FedEx!" Don't let the fear stop you from traveling! It's the only way to see the world! :teeth:


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