Taxis from airport to Universal


Feb 18, 2000
Is there any problem with four people fitting into a taxi from the Orlando airport to Universal? Has everyone who has taken a taxi for this route been charged about $35 one way? For a family of four, taking a shuttle bus, a towncar, or a taxi are all about the same price from the Orlando airport to the Hard Rock Hotel. The shuttle can make stops, which may be inconvenient, and there is always the worry that your towncar driver might not be there when you get to the airport. Our flight gets in at midnight so a taxi is looking pretty good for getting us to the hotel asap. Comments?
Our son used the taxi from the airport for him and two others. It was 35.00. Later we read in the papers given to us by HRH that it has a free shuttle from the airport. Call and verify this with someone at HRH and if what I read is true,save the taxi money and buy something for yourself.
There is a shuttle to the hotel provided by HRH. However it is not free. It is $13 per person one way. I just talked to the hotel and asked.
We were there last year and used a towncar. Price is 35 for meet and greet at the airport.

Very professional service.

Ask for Willy as your driver!!


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