Tampa Intl. to Orlando - ?


Well, we all shine on ...
Aug 14, 2000
Wasn't sure where to post this (what HAPPENED to the "other side of orlando" page?). Anyway --

We're flying into Tampa, then driving to Orlando. Our flight will arrive around dinner time. Are there some good restraunts along this stretch - aka Friday's, Chillis, Applebys, etc.?

We have driven from the west coast to Disney several times. And last Jan. we drove from Tampa AP to Disney. There are several exits with several restaurants. I do recommend hitting the exits before you get completely out of Tampa. This is where your best choices will be.
tinkrbells :rolleyes:

"...when you wish upon a star"
'97 Offsite
'98 Offsite (never again)
Feb '99 WL
Jan 2000 ASMu & DxL
Feb 2001 ASMu & WL
I timed the drive from Tampa airport to Crossroads which is across the street of the Downtown Disney Hotels.

It was from the time we got out of the gates of National to the Crossroads shopping center light. It was a very nice easy drive with no Traffic. We left the airport before 8:30. We stopped at a McDonalds on the way because our youngest wanted McD's FF. The stop took 20 minutes which I did NOT count.

So you may want to wait til you get to Orlando to eat.

It's good to have this informaiton well in advance. I really DO NOT like embarking without a carefully thought-out plan.

Not eating until we get to Orlando won't be an option. My family -- dd especially -- gets really cranky and irrational when they're hungry!They're also extremely picky eaters, so finding food to please everyone at the MK and MGM is gonna be a real challenge (but that's another post!)
Thanks again!
Have driven that route also and I know there are a lot of choices in Tampa and then right abouot halfway in between there is a Cracker Barrel and a few other places, but limited. After that, there is a ways to go before food.

Have fun!



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