swf tags??


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2000
I am still trying to get my flash movie to show up properly in my mom's signature.

On another board that I use, there is a special [swf] tag for flash movies. Both that board and this one use vB codes, and I was wondering if [swf] tags can be used here as well. I've tried to use the [swf] tag, but it just showed up as text on the screen.


[swf] is not a default tag but it can be added if the admins agree to it.

I can give you the code, but for technical reasons, I would like to see the .swf file first.
<OBJECT><EMBED src="http://inko.netfirms.com/mom/f2.swf" loop=false menu=false quality=best bgcolor=#666699 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></EMBED></OBJECT>

Let's see...........

Here's the code. Copy and paste it.

&ltOBJECT>&ltPARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://inko.netfirms.com/mom/f2.swf">&ltPARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>&ltPARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>&ltPARAM NAME=quality VALUE=best>&ltPARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#666699>&ltEMBED src="http://inko.netfirms.com/mom/f2.swf" loop=false menu=false quality=best bgcolor=#666699 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">&lt/EMBED>&lt/OBJECT>
Dan will be thrilled. I'll get him to do it when he gets home from school. Thanks again! :bounce:
Hey JC

I know this code already and I had tried using it before but came across limitiations on the number of characters. These limitations forced me to remove some parameters which made the movie look not so great. The code I was inquiring about is if you had something similar to

[swf height="x" width="x" bgcolor="#xxxxxx"]http://www.url.com/movie.swf[/swf]

This is the code used on the FlashKit ( http://www.flashkit.com/board/index.php ), which also uses the vB coding.

Thanks for your help.
- dan
The vB tag that you are reffering to is out of my control.

Let me work on cutting down the code in the previous example to get it to fit.

(I keep getting locked out like others so it may take a little while.)

Give this a shot:

&ltOBJECT>&ltEMBED src="http://inko.netfirms.com/mom/f2.swf" loop=false menu=false quality=best bgcolor=#666699 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=75 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash">&lt/EMBED>&lt/OBJECT>

The more I looked at the code the more I saw that was not neccessary.

Let me know if it fits.

Woohoo! Finally! Thanks a lot.


p.s. i now am king signature designer on DIS boards =)
See.....now you are going to make me release my new sig. before I wanted to. :)

Do you wear socks?..........because I'm going to knock them off!
LOL, JC. :D I'll have to tell Dan he may be knocked of his "throne"! Could be possibly back to the drawing board ;)

That was a simple thing I created for her, you ain't seen nothin' yet.... hehehehehe ;)

I don't wear socks right now..its too hot. I just go around in sandals. BTW what type of socks do YOU wear? ;) hehehe

I'm always up for a challenge :smooth: :jester: (hey i just noticed the smooth smily looks like the shady character on my site!)

http://www.inkodesign.com <---- I'm currently making this. This is my freelance webdesign thing that I'm doing with a friend from school. It's got a nice preloader that you should find interesting (move your mouse around the circles). :)

dan... ¿¿¿
I should let you know before you get too far....

If you plan on having content that is high in byte size, you should (must) provide a halted pre-load scene that will fit within the guidelines of the board clipart rules. The resultant load can be whatever you want it to be but the autoloading portion MUST stay within the guidelines!

I'll explain furthur:

Give the first scene a basic intro with a halted load of the second or subsequent scenes. Once a user CHOOSES to load subsequent scenes, they should be able to click (or whatever) something to allow them to advance (and at that time load) the .swf to the impressive high byte count part.

If you need more explination, help or whatever just ask. I know how long these take, mine has been in development for almost a month now. I would hate to have you spend hours on an impressive sig. just to have one of us remove it because it doesn't follow the guidelines. :(

Good luck and happy Flashing!

(The program type not the trenchcoat kind :) )

I'll let Dan know, if he chooses to make me another sig. anytime, but I'm perfectly happy with this one. He's so busy working on all his other Flash "experiments".

When is your new sig. going to be ready? Sounds like it's going to be "really something"! :)


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