Swashbucklers show?

It looks like they have a new show in the practicing stages. I wonder where it will be at and when it is supose to start.

Here is what was at the very end on the article. Many of them will appear in the soon-to-appear Swashbucklers sword-fighting show. Actors in that show won't be focused on ethnicity or gender.
This could be the "something new in 2002" at USF that Earl (I think) hinted at a while back.

As to where it would be, my best guess would be where Wild, Wild, West is now. My recollection is that Earl said "something goes out, something comes in" OTOH, the stunt show is great fun; it'd be a shame to see it go.

The article makes the point that many visitors have never seen Marilyn Monroe or Charlie Chaplin. Well, many of them have probably never seen an old-fashioned Western either.

The other possibility is that it will be a street show. Beetlejuice started that way.
Is this going to be a test show, like the B-Boys at USF or a jet ski show in the IOA lagoon?

It would be fun seeing the Swashbucklers attacking the old Banits Out of Time show, but alas, my wishes can never come true. :)
From what I understand it will be a street show in USF. There was (is) talk of having it in IOA, but I am fairly sure it will be held in USF. Also, the Ghostbusters will be adding some really cool things to thier street show soon.

Sorry I dont know more info on it.


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