Swan/Dolphin vs Wyndham 1 nite only...


Earning My Ears
Jan 27, 2002
Hi Everybody,

I need to find a home for 1 night at the end of my vacation. I'm torn between (a) an airport hotel so I can roll out of bed into the terminal, or (b) splurge at either the Swan/Dolphin or the Wyndham at DD for my last night at WDW.

I'm leaning towards staying on property to soak up a little more magic before returning to reality, and also to be closer to the fireworks.

So, if I stay on property, which of the two hotels offer the best views of the fireworks from MK/Epcot, and which gives more of the 'magic'??


I would go for the s/d, only because it's on the boardwalk. You can roll out have some breakfast at that one place with all the pastries *forgot the name.* And just walk around there before I left.
I'll never forget nights at the Dolphin's Grotto pool watching the fireworks at Epcot...AWESOME!
I would go with the Dolphin/Swan if money wasn't a consideration. The Wyndham is nice...but you aren't in the middle of it all.


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