Survey with special park hopper tickets


Oct 7, 1999
I just picked up our Canadian 7 day park hopper tickets and there was a link to a survey to fill out on the internet.It was a brochure with the internet site and a code to get into it(my parents had a different code)It asked about our trip history ,when we would be going and what type of passes we would have bought if these were not available.There is a promise of a free gift at disney with the code we are given at the end of the survey.Anyone else fill this out??
I'll be purchasing my 7 DHP in about one month, I'll let you know then. BTW, did you get tickets or vouchure? Where did you buy them? THX
Picked up my tickets today and got the survey. I can't seem to get into the survey. Where it says English or french I can't get past this point. Anyone having this problem.
HockeyMom, like you I tried getting into the survey this week as well when our parkhoppers arrived, with no luck. Unfortunately, I'm not sure who to contact to find out why it doesn't let you go beyond the initial English/French screen.
Just recieved my vouchers from CAA (via Signature Vacations). No survey.
What is the url for the survey?:confused:
Mousegirl, I finally got past the french/english screen by going through internet explorer. For some reason it would not download with the server we were using.
Thanks for your help, hockey mom, that explains why I was having trouble. I was using Netscape Navigator, but will try it with Explorer instead.
We just came back .We went to Animal KIngdom and turned in the pamphlet and they gave us a "beanie baby"from bugs life.It was the blue character but I don"t know his name(it was not flick).

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