Surprise trip


Earning My Ears
Aug 9, 2000
Hi everyone,

This is my first post, so I don't even know if I'm doing this right.

My dh called me from work this morning and said he's taking the week of Jan.21 - 26th off and guess what? He wants to go to disney!
That's fantastic BUT, I only have 19 days to plan!!! Any help from all you professionals out there would be much appreciated.

We took a trip in Sept. We did DW and a 3 day cruise. I was completely addicted to the boards!
DH was considering therapy for me. LOL.
Anyway, we are DVC members and have AAA. That's about it.

I think I found pretty good airfare through USAir.
RT $106 from Hartford. I haven't been to impressed with car rental rates. Any suggesstions...

Thanks in advance. You all have been so helpful!
T & A's Mom
Welcome MPerry!

Congrats on the surprise trip!

For lodging, I'd recommend checking what you can get through DVC, AAA, & WDWTravel if you want to stay on property. If not, search the internet (,,, etc.) for the best available deals outside of Disney.

There really haven't been any great rental car rates so you probably should do the best you can & use a discount code or coupon related to any organizations you are a member of. The transportation board has a lot of info on that.

Your airfare sounds like a great rate!

Hope that helps, have a great time!
Go to We got a $79/week rate at National through this and had an SUV. Don't be afraid to try for a DVC ressie. You never know.

Disneydiane Don't you have to pay 29.95 to get access to this site? All I see is an advertisement telling you what you'll get in the book and on their boards if you pay 29.95.

From what I can see, most of it you can find right here on the DIS or other boards for free.

Stick to the budget boards and other sites like travelocity, expedia and even priceline. You can get some great deals without paying an extra cent!
do you belong to the affordable website book thingy...and if so it worth the 30$ cost...

am a bit wary of having to pay for information that is otherwise available.....
I'm new to this too so I hope what I'm doing goes through. We are looking at a car rental too in April/May. Looks like it will be about $500 for 9-days. If you do have to pay a $30 fee to get an affordable disney car rental of about $79 a week that sounds worth it to me!!!

Also, if I do a priceline rental how do I know that my car will be with unlimited mileage? Have friends/relatives in central/south FL and want to visit.
Thanks for your input so far...

I have been able to book four nights at the WLV!!
Aren't they just opening on Jan. 14th?? I'm very excited to check this place out!

In order to get a full day of Disney in on Monday(our check in date), we are considering coming in Sunday night (the 21st). Only if we can find a very cheap hotel for that 1st night. Any suggestions?

I'm still coming up short on a car rental. The lowest I can find is $200 for 5 days through Budget. In Sept, we paid $191 for 10 days through
National. I just can't help feeling that there has to be something better out there. Does anyone have any recent discount codes?

Thanks again!
T & A's Mom
For LMC - As far as I know, all Priceline car rentals come with unlimited mileage. To be sure, just go to and read about the car rentals. We have rented a car through Priceline and got great rates.
My husband also told me to go and it's in 2 weeks. can't wait. you will have a great time[IMG]

[This message was edited by donnabres on 01-03-01 at 09:46 PM.]
mperry...How did you get that great air fare from Bradley?

for cassie-
The airfare was through USAir. It might just be for the month of Jan. I looked at many different sites and they all came up with the same price. When are you planning on going?

for donnabres-
I'm from Springfield,MA and my husband's from Middleboro. Small world, huh? Anyway, were you able to get the great rate as well (since you're going in two weeks)?
Have a fantastic time!

for martdm-
Thanks for the AAA advice for lodging! I found a room with a 'fridge and microwave for $42!
what did you get at WLV.....

we were able to get two nights so far on points for february and are on the wait list for two more nights...

we were there in november and checked out the villas....the lobby was nice....and you are not too far from the main not really know where u check in.....

when we were there ...there was a lot of activity and lights i think they have been renting them out .......but not had them available for points until the 14th ...when if i an not wrong they actually will start to sell points in the villas.....

anyhow have fun.....we are excited too check out the villas.....thank you south west for the 99$ return air from buffalo....=)))

as far as rentals go....they have been high for a while......nothing like what we were getting last year....but keep trying..
You qualify for the "two for one" coupon at Holiday Inn Family Suites. It's only $89. every other night!!! Hard to beat!!!

Midway is having a sale $49. each way to Orlando on the east coast. :eek:


I'm going in May. The best I can find has been $186 rt. Hoping it will go down some.

Have a wonderful time.......

We got four nights Jan 22nd through 25th, but it was not easy... I called MS three times with no luck finding any availibility for a studio at WLV,BWV, or OKW. I was told they only had one or two bedrooms for a day or two here and there.
Then....the DH called! Success!
I will keep checking the rental rates. In the meantime, I booked through Dollar for $169.99, not great but the best I could find so far.

Thanks all!! :)
You're welcome! We went to Universal last year & stayed at the Wellesley Inn. Our room had a fridge & microwave & it was great. I never gave it much thought but it's nice to be able to have a cold drink handy or warm up your leftovers from Emerils (yes, we couldn't resist eating them for breakfast the next day)!
You're welcome! We went to Universal last year & stayed at the Wellesley Inn. Our room had a fridge & microwave & it was great. I never gave it much thought but it's nice to be able to have a cold drink handy or warm up your leftovers from Emerils (yes, we couldn't resist eating them for breakfast the next day)!

BTW - I've been continually checking car rentals and the rates seem to be on a downward slide. Keep checking on them. Also, check the transportation board for a whole bunch of info on rental cars!
We got a unlimited mileage on a fullsize car for 372.00 for 10 days and we got their and they upgraded us to a lincoln town car.beautiful!!
We will use priceline again!!!


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