Suprising daughter need suggestions...(rambling sorry)


Feb 23, 2001
I don't know if this is the best place to post this but I'll give it a whirl...

We are going to WDW this summer for vacation. Last year we took a BIG trip out west to visit family and friends. While there we did the whole nine yards of California Parks and the Grand Canyon. DH had a business trip (yeah right ) at WDW last spring and DD wanted to go, but it wasn't in the budget considering the big trip west.

Anyways....we told her that it would be a few years before we would get to go...but now we are suprising her with this trip. She thinks are summer vacation is going to be Eastern Penn. and seeing the Stautue of Liberty (she asked for this). :rolleyes: We will be driving down from Michigan and pla on getting "lost" somewhere in Ohio.

If we can keep this a secret for another four months I would like some cool ways to break it to her that we aren't seeing Lady Liberty! ;) :D .

By the way she is 6 and will be 6.5 in July when we go. She is starting to read...and is becoming very good at it very quickly. Yesterday she started reading some notes we had made about the WL resvervations we we have to hide everything!!!

(If she is bummed about not going to PA and NY, I will be really bummed myself!)
Thanks!!!!! :) :)
We have never been to WDW before, and are in the middle of planning a trip for November. It just so happens that we are leaving just a few days after my daughter's 10th birthday. She knows that I have been "working" on something, and that it is a "big surprise" for her birthday. So, what I have decided to do is have her go on a little treasure hunt on her birthday. At the end of the hunt, she will find a brand new suitcase with a bow on it. Of course, getting a suitcase for your 10th birthday would have to be horrible ;) but when she opens it up, it will have Mickey Ears, and other disney items along with the tickets.
Oh, I also meant to add: To keep my nosy little girl from finding any of the stuff (I have a ton of gift certificates and disney dollars) I went to walmart and bought a small fire proof safe. I keep everything in there, locked up tight.
Planning this has got to be sooo much fun!!! Boy, do I envy you!
I think a scavenger hunt would be cool. Or maybe a personnal invitation from Mickey himself!
If you (or someone you know) is a whiz at the computer you can print out all kinds of cool quizes and puzzles where the answers, when strung together, spell Disney or something.
I can't do this but have friends who can devise clever riddles in which again the answer is DISNEY!
WHATEVER you do-she's gonna love it! ;)


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