Supermarket at DisneyWorld?



We will be at DW (ASMo) for a week. There will be 9 of us. We want to get our days started without a discussion of where to eat breakfast every morning. We'll have fridges in our rooms and wanted to buy some groceries (cereal, etc.). Is there anywhere at DW (maybe Downtown Disney) that resembles a supermarket?
There is a supermarket, Goodings, right off of property. But be forewarned that the prices are high. I know there is a Publix not too far away that is supposed to have better prices.

WDW:Offsite '85
Offsite '90
Offsite '96
DI '00
DI '01
S/D Nov. '01
DL: '00
There is a Goodings Market (which I believe is open 24 hours) at Crossroads and a Publix on
There may be more, but that's all I know about.
Right near downtown disney there is a grocery store called Goodings it is expensive. There are other places to purchase groceries at a cheaper price if you have a car a your disposal. Super walmart on 192 has a lot better prices.

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CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

Find the Publix on I192 or the Walmart on I192 next to the Medevil Times dinner show. You will save more than enough to make it worth the trouble. That Goodings at the Crossroads shopping center is a ripoff.
First of all ... Welcome to DIS!

You may not have to go to the grocery store. The All Stars convience store might have something for you. The other resorts carry OJ, bread, donuts, snacks, beer. etc. You'll have to check with a All Stars expert on that one. I know that Old Key West carries a lot of groceries because it's a "home away from home" resort.

If you have a car, the grocery might be your best bet. If you don't have a car, you might want to consider using a towncar service (check over in the transportation board) which includes a grocery stop. If you do stop at a grocery, I would buy a styrofoam cooler to keep your stuff cool instead of the fridge. They work just as well and cost a whole lot less!

-- Robin
It's been 13 years since I stayed there, but they had a small store with groceries at Wilderness Lodge Campgrounds.

Just hangin' around waitin' to go see the Mouse

Thanks to all for your responses to my supermarket question - here's one more. Is it feasible to take a taxi from the AllStar to the Publix or SuperWalmart? I have no idea what sort of distance we're talking (I'm a first timer).
We get the take out breakfasts at the food court, take them back to the room, and split them. The stores are several miles. I bet a cab would cost 10 to 25 dollars. You could also stop on your way in from the airport, or rent a car for the day.The super Wal-mart also has lots of disney stuff.Keep in mind, the refrigerators are really small.We use an ice chest.

Off site 86, FW 86, FW 88,FW 90,ASMu 98, ASMu 98, ASMu& ASSp 01


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