Super Soap Weekend?


Jan 11, 2001
We are planning a trip for the 2nd week in November and just learned that weekend is typically ABC's Super Soap Weekend. Anyone know about crowds, etc. We chose November because of the low attendance, there are going to be 8 of us, and it's the first time for most. I hope this isn't going to spoil our plans.


1986 - Campground
2001 - Fairway Villas @ Disney Institute
We were there last November during Soap Week and it did seem very crowded. Also, they had some areas roped off for autograph signings and other things. This sometimes forced you to walk out of your way to get to your destination. Both ToT and RnRC had standby wait times of over an hour the entire time we were there. Thank goodness for Fast Pass!

WDW Swan-Nov. 2000
Disney Wonder-Nov. 2000
AS Movies-May 2001
Disney Wonder-May 2001
Shades of Green-May 2001
We happened to be there for Super Soap Weekend last November. I, too, was worried that this would result in huge crowds. The Soap events are all at MGM so MGM was pretty crowded on those days. But, the good thing is during the Soap parades and other events the rides are so open! My boys loved Star Tours and we rode again and again with no wait while the Soap activites were going on. I don't think the other parks were affected much by this. But, it also happened to be part of the New Jersey school vacation and I think that resulted in more crowds. When we were at Hoop Dee Doo, they asked who in the audience was from New Jersey and the whole place yelled.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just try to do MGM on non-Soap days or go when they have big activities planned because the fans will be at those and not the rides. Keep in mind a couple shows were shutdown (Doug Live! is one) I think to give the Soaps a place to hold their events.

Have fun
We were at WDW during SS 2 years ago. Crowds were fine at all parks except MGM! I'd stay away from MGM if you can. All those wacky soap fans lining up to see their stars was pretty outrageous. Enjoy

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