Super 8 Motel Suites?


<font color=FF99FF>I am still invisible<br><font c
May 5, 2001
Couldn't do a search so I am curious as to opinions on this suites hotel. I am looking for a suite with a bedroom for DH, DD (15 months) and myself and seperate beds for DD 12 and DS 10. Everything I have found has been over $100 a night. I just went to the Super 8 site and they quoted me $49.95 per night (or using the snowbird special $42.95) in April for a 2 bedroom suite. Seems to good to be true. Any ideas??
I have also found this great rate and hope someone will answer this question. I did notice there was one person on the thread "Best off-site hotels" that had Super 8 listed. But has anyone else stayed here?


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