Summer Disney Files

Deb & Bill

DVC-Trivia Contest, Apr-2006: Honorable Mention
Mar 20, 2000
Not only did we get Part II of the Member Planning Guide, we also got the summer edition of Disney Files. Ryan March goes on about changing the rag and all the positive things in it. But it's the same old stuff. Only WORSE! What on earth were they thinking putting FOUR, not one, not two, not three, but FOUR, pages of Deevy See in one issue. Two separate articles. TWO!!!!! Can't they find anything else to write about??????


Why don't they get it??????? Even less DVC information in the rag than usual.
DeeVee See (or however they spell it) is a professional embarrasment. I don't even like being indirectly associated with that marketing crap. Somebody in DVD marketing ought to be draun and quartered, and I'm not joking. She's an insult to every professional man or woman who owns an interest in DVC.

As for the Disney Files, it's not even worth commenting on. At least I have Celebration Magazine to tide me trip to trip. The Disney Files is an absolute waste of trees, time and money. I guess putting that DeeVee See character in this issue just ices the cake.
According to the second page, we can contact Disney Files at PO Box 10350, LBV, FL 32830. Why don't we all let them know our feelings. My letter will be in the mail tomorrow.
Dang. When DeeVee did not make an appearance on the Aulani webcast, I had hoped that Disney finally wised up and dumped this vacuous character. I guess my Disney Files will make a quick trip from the mailbox to the recycle bin.
My 9 year old enjoyed the star wars and cars 2 stories. That deevee is pretty bad though. I didn't know enough to skip - but didn't take long to figure out.
According to the second page, we can contact Disney Files at PO Box 10350, LBV, FL 32830. Why don't we all let them know our feelings. My letter will be in the mail tomorrow.

I think I will. I do a bit of freelance writing and would be ahppy to lend them my services to help the magazine turn out better.
Not a Deevy fan but I know there are a lot of people who like her. Different strokes, I guess. :confused3

Did enjoy many of the articles this time. The one about the new SSR pool was good. The two Disney Heritage stories were about topics that interest me. Even the "Buzzworthy" section had a good rundown of many little changes to the parks in recent months.

At least they got away from Aulani for a bit. Resort looks great but I feel like it's been under construction for about 5 years now given Disney's level of promotion. :headache:
I haven't gotten either..I have, however gotten a Backstage Pass and Share the Magic marketing materials.
Nothing here yet, but I must say, when it went to being called Disney Files, it took a big step backwards. That's when it stopped being about DVC and started to be a Disney commercial. I hardly ever open it anymore, but this new one has not arrived yet.

Oh, and I had hoped we had seen the last of Deevy. UGH that she is back!:headache:
Dang. When DeeVee did not make an appearance on the Aulani webcast, I had hoped that Disney finally wised up and dumped this vacuous character. I guess my Disney Files will make a quick trip from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

I completely agree with you. The DeeVee character is an embarrassment for DVC.
I think Deevey See cheapens the DCV brand, but I have to admit I laughed several times while reading the interviews because I know people like her who think they are "all that and a bag of chips", just like her. :banana:
I have to agree Dee Vee is rather boring and so is the Disney files magazine. I thought it was just me. I would like to see it have more information about the resorts, perks, and more useful information about membership instead of all the fluff articles to fill the pages.
I use to save each copy because it was chocked full of information like phone numbers and hours of operation of member services, information about each resort, etc. Now that it's 90% fluff, it's skim and throw it out.
I, um, cough cough, gurgle, kind of, um, like her (duck). I know she is corny, :confused:
Dang. When DeeVee did not make an appearance on the Aulani webcast, I had hoped that Disney finally wised up and dumped this vacuous character. I guess my Disney Files will make a quick trip from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

The one comment I wrote in after watching Alulani was "Thank goodness you didn't make me watch anything with DeeVeeCee!"

Not a Deevy fan but I know there are a lot of people who like her. Different strokes, I guess. :confused3

people like her?
Oh, I think she's obnoxious.

Oh, and I had hoped we had seen the last of Deevy. UGH that she is back!:headache:

She's baaaack. :sick: Maybe your issue will come tomorrow!
I'm glad this post appeared. I have also felt the Disney Files is worthless. It sits on our kitchen table for days without being opened. It does finally get opened, but I have rarely given it much time. It just isn't what I look for as a DVC member. Let's not bring up the D23 membership DW needed; another worthless publication . . .

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