
Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all! Yesterday was a blast! THANKS ALL! And thanks for the flowers! They are lovely! The Laura Secords chocolates were yummy too ~ thanks Kim!

I agree with Julie that meeting yesterday was very comfortable. THANKS!

I'm alreay thinking about a DIS Meeting in the summer! Where can we meet?
(1) Picnic (city park)
(2) Toronto Island
(3) Kelso Beach, Milton
(4) Canada's Wonderland
(5) Zoo
(6) Ontario Science Centre
(7) Rainforest Cafe
(8) ROM
(9) A Disney Store

I know it's VERY early to start planning, but I am very excited about our trip in a couple weeks! DISNEY ON THE BRAIN!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
Hi Sandra! It was really great to get to meet you and your family yesterday. After you left, the rest of us started to discuss the next meet, and the concensus seemed to be that Centre Island might be a really nice place to hold it. We're sort of hoping to attract quite a few out of town people, including some of our neighbours from south of the border. The nice thing about a place like that is that there is lots of room, and the kids will have lots of space to run and play. It is also easier to mingle and get to talk to everyone if you aren't in a restaurant. The Island has Centreville for those that need to get a ride "fix".

I hope you all have a great trip.

We love Centreville! Toronto Island is so pretty! Count us in!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
I haven't been over to the islands in a couple of years, so I wouldn't mind having the meet over there, either. There's a beautiful perennial garden at one of the cottages at the far end of the island that I like to wander over to. I also enjoy the ferry ride over, as you view the Toronto skyline. Let's go for it! :)


off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
CSR & ASMu July 01
I think it would be great to have a Centre Island Dis meet, but I'm not sure if this should be before the Niagara meet or after. We might not be able to get very many people to attend if the meets are too close together. Does anyone know if the Niagara meet is still being planned? :)


Hi we would like to meet at the zoo or CWL we will have a new baby by then and don't mind carting little ones around with us. Sorry we couldn't make it to the meet at RFC I ended up having to work and so did Lisa but she is done work in 11 daysand I can be sure to get the day off it is only the first time I have ever had to work a weekend and surely will be the last.
Darren & Lisa


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