I am a flight attendant. Every time my DH flies he takes Sudafed (cold or no cold). When we travel w/ our sons 5 & 16 mos, if they have any indication of cold or teething or crankiness, I give them Pediacare, Tylenol Cold, or Motrin Cold. Generally, children on the plane have a problem with their ears on decent, not take off. If your child is sleeping, they are fine. All children will let you know if they are having a problem with their ears. Pilots and flight attendants can take Sudafed or Afrin, while at work. They are non drowsy. I did read where a person uses "hot cups". These are syrofoam cups with hot/wet paper towels in them. You place the cups over your ears and the steam goes through your sinus passages. My DH loves these. I will say, when I was hired 10 years ago my airline did not allow flight attendants to give "hot cups" to passengers. I believe someone sued an airline because the hot water burned their skin. I do not know if this is true or not. I will give "hot cups" but only if I feel there is nothing else to help. No offense, but I don't want to see any of my passengers in court. Although, my airline does allow us to give these out if the passenger asks for them. Believe it or not, crying helps clear babies ears. It unnerves the parents, though. Feel free to email me with any other questions about flying.