Suggestions for 1st couples only trip


Apr 28, 2001
Hi there,

We are planning our first trip to WDW without children. What is at the top of your list for things to do? We are interested in both day time and evening activities, especially those that don't involve the parks.


Just hang out at the resort and pool. Haven't I seen you posting on the DVC board? So if you are DVC members, if they aren't crowded, you can pool hop to most of the other resorts.

Go check out the other resorts. Actually I like to do this in the evenings too. Go to the other resorts and walk around the different lakes, etc.

Not sure if "those that don't involve the parks" includes the water parks but they can be fun and relaxing.

Golf (many beautiful courses) / tennis / etc. (Mini golf at Fantasia Gardens or Winter Summerland) Golf and tennis lessons available

According to the time of year, the Braves have spring training at the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex. Also at the Sports Complex is the NFL Experience.

Richard Petty Driving Experience.

Sammy Duvall's Watersports Center at the Contemporary Resort.

I know you said no parks but Disney offers a list of tours that are usually around the parks but involve so much more than the standard attractions.

Day at the spa.


Boat (Sailboat, WaterMouse, canoe, kayak, pedalboat or pontoon according to where) and bike rentals.

Surfing at Typhoon Lagoon with instrution (Craig Carroll's Surfing School)

Disney's Dolphins In Depth (no scuba cert. required) or Dive Quest if you are certified.

Horseback riding.


There is Pleasure Island. It has a little bit for everyone. There are the traditional clubs with all different types of music and dancing. There is the Comedy Club. One of my favorites it the Adventurer's Club (sort of like being in the middle of a skit and a lot of fun).

Cirque du Soleil at Downtown West Side.

The list of fine restaurants at the parks, downtown and resorts could go on and on.

The Boardwalk with ESPN Club, Jelly Rolls and Atlantic Dance in addition to a long list of excellent places to eat.

Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Review.

Numerous different lounges at the resorts, many with entertainment on various nights.

Illuminations and MK fireworks cruises.
This is a great list! Thank you!

We are not YET DVC members... I just ask a lot of questions!

We are trying to decide how many points to buy and, since we will be "owning" these points for 40 years, I want to make sure there will be things for us to do with or without kids.

I was glad to see that there are so many water sports available. My husband and I really like to canoe and kayak. It also wouldn't be bad to get some surfing instruction. Last time I tried the surf pool, I kept getting kicked in the head!

Do you know of any spas other than the one at the GF? It seems that getting to and from the GF from the Beach Club, where we're thinking of buying, using Disney transportation could be somewhat of a hassle. Would you just recommend getting a car if we're doing a lot of outside the parks activities?

Anyway, thanks for your advice!
I don't know if the Spa at Disney Institute will remain open or if it is closing with the rest of the Institute. I've never done the spas at either DI or GF.

Resort to resort on Disney buses is not always the easiest. I usually do the parks most of my visits so if I want to go to a different resort, when I leave the park, I just take that bus instead of the one for my resort. It isn't really that bad going from resort to resort, just takes a little planning. I've done it many times.

If you are going off-site, I would think that a car would be best. If you are staying on property for activities, give the buses a go. I've been to WDW 20-25 times and I've only rented a car on two of the earlier trips. I learned that I just didn't use it and could save the money. It never bothers me as "not being in a hurry" is part of the vacation for me. If I have to wait 10-15 minutes for a bus, so what. In all my trips, I've had to wait more than that for a bus on maybe two occasions but that is all. Much more often it is 5 minutes or less.
descriptive exactly what you mean by spa - please

the BC/YC (all DVC resorts) have an exercise room, this includes a masseuse and an instructor (both of these for a fee) for personal training. so if you just want a massage (prices range from $45 to $85?) do it at the BC for a little more ($20 or $25) the masseuse/masseur will come to your room. BC has a salon. BWV/OKW/VWL do not. So I don't think you need to go to the GF. Unless you want something that is only offered at the GF.

there is a petting zoo at FW that you can enjoy. Plus there is several things in Kissimmee/Orlando that adults can enjoy - river cruises, farms, gardens, museums, plays,zoos. they have wonderful parks. plus the ocean/gulf is around 90 minutes to 2 hours away depending upon which you want.
invalid_char where are you staying? You had mentioned BC. We have stayed at four of the five properties on the lagoon outside of Epcot. We think they are the best for couples only trips becuase they are so close to Epcot for romantic dinners. We honeymooned at Disney and love the couples trips becuase this is where we truly relax. We like to head over to Epcot when we get there and have a glass of wine in France. Take in Illuminations, eat at Japan or Canada etc. Other romantic things we like to do are the Parasailing. Fireworks cruises. Minature golf (korny I know but fun). We are headed back end of July for yet another no kids trip. Can't wait to do it all again.
Great ideas on things to do.

As far as a spa goes. The Wyndham Palace has a fantastic spa (the largest in the Orlando Area) , and it is an extremely luxurious hotel. My wife and I stayed there last time and loved it.
To get there just take the bus to downtown disney. (Make sure you don't get off at the west side or PI entrance). This will take you almost right to the Wyndham Palace, all you have to do is cross the street and walk about 200 yards.

Being a former CM I'd suggest you take a day and do a behind the scenes tour at one of the parks. I think you'll find it really fascinating and this is something you woudn't want to, or couldn't do, with the kids.

And I also agree that just going to the different resorts and having fun is a great way to spend a morning or afternoon.
Purchased DVC membership in 1994 while between my Disney University Graduation and getting my Floatplane license. Went home to Alaska and told my wife what I had done. She thought I was nuts ~ was actually a bit upset with me ~ IMAGINE!!! Anyhow, after ten years of having gone to WDW more times than I can remember, WE BOTH love it.

What to do? Golf ... Take a early morning run thru Downtown Disney before it opens ... Go to Rainforest Cafe ... Hang out at the pool ... pick an Epcot restaurant for dinner ... have ice cream at the Boardwalk ... take a boat ride to Wilderness Lodge for lunch ... get to know each other again (without the kids) (By the way, I don't have and have never had any kids). Buy yourself a nice shirt or that Grumpy Cup - u know u want it! Buy it for you!!! Not the kids!

Point is .... take your time .... relax ... it's your time ... enjoy ... do nothing if u want ... it's okay!

Oh Yeah ... U might actually want to get a park pass and go on some rides too!!!



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