Strollers for older children?


Frequent Flyer
Mar 24, 2001
Good morning everyone.

Can anyone suggest a decent stroller for a 5 year old boy (around 45-50 lbs.)? Perhaps something light and not too expensive? I'd rather not rent one.

Thanks for any advice.
We will just be using our Graco Lightrider for our 4-y-o DD when we go. She will be at least 45 lbs. by then. I really couldn't find anything that accepts that weight or is big enough. We just decided to use the stroller we already have and hope she isn't too uncomfortable.

Cameo, we have experienced the same thing, with our 2 year old (he's 42 lbs!!). Most of the stroller sizes only go up to 40 lbs., but our Lite Rider seems to be plenty big enough.

The other great thing about this stroller is it is easy to fold and unfold, and very lite weight.

Co-Moderator - Inspiration Board

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unless your 5 yr old is low on stamina. i would reccommend you bag the stroller hunt. my neighbor went last year with her 4 yr old and he sisnt really use one, neither did my 6 yr old. we did rent one one day, our long day. so id bet your child will be fine without one for the most part and you can always rent one late in the day. not to sure? take him to the mall on a saturday.


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