stroller vs bike trailer/stroller combo


Christmas at the Fort
Jul 26, 2000
Ok more questions :smooth: I'm trying to decide what stroller to take with to disney. I've got a regular stroller and I've also got a bike trailer that coverts into a stroller. I'm thinking I want to take the bike trailer/stroller because it has a rain canopy and is completely enclosed if we get stuck in a rain storm while in the parks. I also like it better because I can put virtually everything in the back compartment. It's so big that when we take it to the park for a picnic everything fits. A 24 can cooler, kickballs, kites, blankets. But on the other hand I'd like her regular stroller because it folds up real easy. The bike stoller is the size of a double side by side stroller. Do you think I'd have any problems maneuvering it around Disneyland? Then there's the question of being able to gate check the bike stoller at the airport. I'd really hate for it to get lost and it is somewhat large even when it is folded up. Hmmmm....guess I need to contact the airline about that.

What do you think about disneyland? Do you think I'll be able to get around alright?

Misty :earsgirl:
Hi Misty! When is your trip? If it's over the summer months, don't worry about rain, it is definitely not the rainy season then. My personal opinion is that extra large strollers are more of a pain to maneuver, especially if you're getting on and off a tram at all. They're also more of a pain to maneuver through crowds. I'd stick with the regular-sized stroller as long as it accommodates your child comfortably. :D
I agree, the walkways at DL are much narrower than WDW, I think you would feel self-conscious if you tried it.
Thanks for the quick response!! We'll be going to Disney either March 2-10 or Sept 14-22 so it won't be during the hot summer months. Thanks for the info about the walkways being narrow. I've never been to WDW so I don't have anything to compare them too.

Thanks again and hope to see ya there!!

Misty :earsgirl:
I agree, it woudl be hard to maneuver, and they will not let you take a cooler into the parks, there is no place for kickballs there. Regular strollers or jogger strollers are a better choice.


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