stolen wdw antennae ball

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Mar 23, 2001
hi all! to the board, but just had to vent my feelings. while i was at the mall this afternoon, at the disney store.....of course, someone thought that my wdw antennae ball was for them......i have had it 2 years on my dont see them around here very often.....i knew it was a matter of time til someone would think it was theirs. i hope when i go back to orlando in june i can find another. i really want one that says wdw on it.

to make matters even more depressing....on the drive home we saw a wdw antennae ball on a car that was passing hoo.....oh well.

have any of you all had your antennae balls taken? next time i find them i will buy case i have to start supplying any other little mickey mouse thieves around here.......

have a wunnerful day,

as sports 9/99
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Before I got mine on our last trip, I read about people stealing them (how low can you get!). Someone said they put theirs on with super-glue. I did that to mine and it has been on for about a year and a half. Hope your next one lasts longer.
sorry to hear someone decided they wanted your antenae ball...

They are very cute... I had thought about getting one but didnt.. I was going to suggest the super glue bit.. lol


Oh, that is sooo sad! The very first thing I bought when we FINALLY decided to go to Disney was a Minnie Antenna ball. At the time we were driving down and I was saving it until the day we left, now we are flying but I plan on bringing it for the rental car! :D
Hope you can get a replacement.

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
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<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
Sorry about your mickey ball. when I was there last I got a few just in case. I still have the first one on with my goofy hanging on. goofys my favorit. :eek: :eek: :eek:
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