Still Looking for Offsite Midway Parking


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
I'm still looking for off-site parking near Midway Airport in Chicago (maybe a car rental place?!), so if anyone knows of an off-site lot that is not affiliated with the airport, please let me know! We will need one for our March and April trips (next week's trip is out of O'Hare, so we'll be using Avistar again...I really like them).
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I've used the off-site parking at Midway several times with absolutely no problem. They are, however, affiliated with the airport. I've found the buses run on a timely basis and you can't beat the price - $9.00 a day. Just be sure to note whether you are on the red side or the blue side.

The lot I've used is on 55th St. on the North side just off Cicero (although I find it faster to come off Central).

I know that you previously posted that someone you know had a problem with the off-site parking but, if it's any consolation, they have really expanded the off-site lots recently (within the last 3-4 months) to accomodate more cars. I don't know of any hotel in the area that offers a parking deal like the O'Hare area hotels. I'd suggest maybe calling (or emailing) the airport and explaining that someone you know was stuck without parking. Maybe they have a suggestion or some type or assurance for you.
It's been a few months since we've used Midway, so maybe we'll be okay. The other alternative is to use a limo to take us to the airport like we used to, but after MANY problems (including an unexpected shared ride that made us very late and a couple of no-shows), we have gotten really gun-shy about that. Chicago limo services are AWFUL!! Oh well, our Feb. flight is out of O'Hare so we don't have to worry about Midway till Easter weekend. Sure wish they had a lot like Avistar there...I love the fact that when you arrive, your car is all warmed up and inside the building waiting for you.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at:
I saw something recently on the Midway hotel center website, , under the Sleep Inn that says they have a park, sleep and fly program similar to those at ORD. The direct hotel number is 708/594-0001.

Good luck.


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